Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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C!TY DRAVAGE CO. imi; *nd Fort 3lr e *«t>». Wbite *nd B!*ck Sand. Dr»ring Done »t Keaannahle Rate?. 1T F SH.\RRETT. _J?* MACHINE MADK : POIl FACTOKY. : : KALlHL Taro P!ante, Fr«!»h Tops and Raw T*ro »t *U times. Kicg l*p Mulual Telepbone >77. Be!l 34-5. W. !.. WILCOX. j>-25 Mana«er. Rrxt; i p «nr.vL tile su HIEPER S Baggage Express. 2S> Fort St.. Hoaolalu. H. f Baggaga and Furn;ture Carefully Handleil and Delivered at Short Noliee to All P.trtjJ of the City. ?tand on Cor. ofFort i Quoon S*.t. ! iy« T. B. Murray & ■ Is Vt‘l t« bo Koiiuil On the OI«l Ntaml. >o. I I Mt.~lli*i Ruslii(‘ss as CARRIAGE AND 'AOONMAMKAIĪLHKK (ioe« On. ; When the •PE01 > LK8’ PARTY” gets smashed lie will be ready tu \ REPAIR. PAINT AND TR1M IT At a lteasonable Figure. — No Extra Cbargo for Furnishing tbem with Oommon Sense. LET THE M KINO UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. I City - Carriage pvF’Q- Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEfiT, Mjp^ Blacksmith Work AXD Carriage Repairing FAINTING : AND : TRI.MMING In »11 its Branches, at Bed Koek Priceg. Mutual Te’epbone i62 fMT Give ua a Call andjudge for yonrse!f. Jy23 CRITERION SALQON, F Weiland-Extra-Pak Lager Beef 2 Sehooner3 for 25 Cts. jyl4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r Fernandes k (xomes WHOLE3ALE Caiiforn!a Wines and Splrit», No. 502 Fort 3t.. Honolulu, H. I. P. 0. Box 436, Mutual Teie. 140. Tt3D iso