Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Club Stables Company, $. F. Mana^ei* Livery and Feed Stables. FORT STREET, betwe«n Hotel an<I Bertt\nia Street$, Honolnln. l*oth Telet>l\ones 477 • j3"2o Im PIOXEER Steam CANDY Factory. B ilt KRY and lee Cream Paiiors! * HOPN m m 1863 illl 1894 P \W PRACTICAL CO X E EC' TIO X" EK axd ORNAMENTER In all hmiiehe* of Ihe hu/iueie u.i Iheee ielaml/. American, Kncli«h. (iemian and Freneh PASTRIES Made to ()rder. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES M»de ol Uie Very B.-st MatoriaI and at Koaionahle Hate? Family Graham & Fancy Bread Alway * on Hami. .4 1*1, ( OSFECTIO\ F,RV Mannfacfnred at My EstablUbment Arc <īuaranteed to be Positirely Pure and Sold at Prices no otber establi<bment eaa coropete with. FACTORY AM) STORE, Ni>. TI Hotel Street, Honoluln. Both Tclepboiies Xo. 74. jyJ6 PANĪHEON SAL00N FOBT AXD HOTĒL STS. Headanarters Eiiterprise Brewim Co. THE Larg*st Consignnient of Beer that ever arrived here, no7T on I)raught Jyi4 J. DODD, Prop’r AD.1imMTR .4X0 H’H XOTICE. THE I XDERSIGXED harin« heen .lulr i appointed Admimstrator of tke Et>tate of PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae, Hana. Maui. j deceased, wronld herewith gire nolioe to ail ' perK>ns baring aeeounl* agniast tbe said | e»Ute to present tbem to him. properiy sworn to, witbia sis moniiu (rom date bereof, or lLey will be forerer barred. Aud all pereous owing tbe aaid estate are reqnestcd to settle (orthwitb. M. H. RELTEK, Administralor of tbe E>tat>. of Pahia Kaloī deo»ased. Hana, Maoi, Jnly 7tb, 1S94. jy9-lm Pionecr Shirt Factory ESTABLISHED lCf7 A. J£. MELLIS, Proprietor, 5W Fort St., (L*pe4alrs ' Good FiL J. H. TRUSCHLER, Hool & Slioomaker. Ill Fart Street. Repairing, neatly Done, half so!e and heel witb pegs. 11.00. Half sole and heel sewing. $1.50. au7 Gust . A. Mauer, HAWAIIAN H0TEL BARBKR Ladks Shampooing a »pecialty. Honoiulu. aug4. j