Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

POrXD MASTER’S NOTICE. Notict- is Lereby given to all persons that I there are at the Governmeut Pound at Makiki. tyo strayed durfc brown horsea, (tne of tuese have loug wbite <pot on tbe forebead, 3 wbite leg», sore at tbe rigbt bind leg and braud indi>cribable on tbe same leg. i Tue other have been bninded indiscribable on the right hiud leg, sore at tbe right foreleg. All peraons owning tbese horses are requested to <x me and take the same ou or before 12 o’eloek uooo, jSATUBBAV, AL'G. 25, ISiH, JAMES KUKONA, Pound Master. ' Makiki, Aug. 13. 1S&4. aug 13-lwdly I 290 Ring Up 290 United | Carriag’e . Company, M.REIS JJ.C. QU!NN F08 SALE. A FIXL “ MIDN1GHT STALLION eoh belonging to P. D. Isenberg. The colt ean be s*en ai ihe PANTQEON STABLE from U>morrow. tf. JJH£K ft¥H\D. CORNKR OF | 1 Nuuanu and BeretaniaStreet3. 561 TkLepuone?:—> 561 j GOOD. RELIABLE axd jv27 tf CIVIL DRIVERS. I - | i * Capt. Wm. Davies, Rig«:er, Stevedore and W recker. ESTIMATDs AND CONTRACTS ON ’ • ALL KISDS OF WOKK. Slvamer Wainmnalo «rill ruu re- , gular to W»i*n»e, Waialoa and ’ Way L«nding. laouiie u offioe J. 8. Walkw 9W j Sprōckel’s B«ak. ,feb I