Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

CITY DRAYA6£ CO. Stmd: ilaeen an«I F>rt Stre€t.-=. White B!ac’s Sand. Draying D>ne at Reas«>nabie Rate?. W. F $nARRETT, Vei n , i r» •_ . . MACHINF MAPK POI! FACTOBY, : KALIHI. Tar«> Plante, Fre?h Tops aud Raw Taro at all times. Ring Up Mulual Te!ephone 577. Bell 34ō. W. L. WILCOX. jy25 Manager. KIN». I P MlTl \L TELF. 3U NIEPER S Baggage Express. OAlo', XV F'jrt s; . Ho!u>;v.j!, fL I Baggage and Fnrniture Carefully Hand!ed and l)elivered at Short Notice to AIl Parts of the C:ty. Stand on C»r. cf F«>rt Sc Queon Sta. ir?5 T. B. Murray 1 s Vd to 1m> Founil Ou lln> Old Staiid. Xo. I I ltiiig Ht.-—lliw ltiisinc!tM uh CARRIAGE AND l’jt i DCI UUil jLii (roes On. When the ‘*PEOPLES’ PARTY” gets sniashed he will be ready to REPAIR, PAINT AND TR1M IT At a lle;isona'ole F gore. — No £xtra Charge for Furnishing hem with Cummon Sonse. • LET THEM IUNG UP >1UTUAL TELEPHONE 572. jj8l 6m City - Carriage M’p’Q. Co. Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEflT, Blacksmith Work A.\D Carriage Repairing PAINTLNG : AXD ; TRIMMING In all it« Branches, at Bed Rock Prlces. Mulual Telepbone 382 fW* Give us a Call aod j'idge F>r yonrseif. jv‘23 CRITERION SALOON, Wei!and • Extra • Pak Lager Heep 2 Scbooners for 25 Cts. »14 L. H. D£E, Prop’r