Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Chas. T. CjuHi NOTARV PU8LI 1 For the Islantl of Oahn. Agent to Take Aekn-'wi ' ■ to Labor Cont» uct'. Agent to Grant M.»rriage Li ses. Honolulo. Oahu. Agent for the Haw’n Islan»l Prrr k Scorr’s Freight aml Parcels Exj'res Agent for tbe 13urIiugton K< Heal Estate Brcier aiil G€neral A Bell Tel. 343; Mnt. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MERCH. Street Hnnolnlu H Mmu Tki 166. P. O. B x WING WO TAI & C No. »5 Ncvanv St»eet. UoNau.Lv H. Commission Merchan : —Impoktf.rs AMi Dk\lf.r<«n — Generai Merchandisi Fine ManiliCC'ii:ir-i, Cliin> s« nul Japan«se Crockrrynare. Mattlnps, Va#es ot all kinda, C;imp!n>rwoc Trunks, Haltan Chilrs, A Fino Aasortment of Ori" Choicest Brands of Chinc»e ami Japane«e Tcas of Latcsi lm;>orh Inap'Mion o/Xeic Goo'.l* l r'/‘/*flJuHy jnly6. CIIY CARRIAGE C( Corner K1NG and BETHEL CAREIAGE AT ALL HOURS. >oth Teiephones N>>. 113. J. S. ANDRADE, Managt june Long Branch -8ATHIHC Establishment. This Firsl-Claas B it! iig Rhas been enl >rge<l ;»nd 13 now t<> the piih’ie, lt is tti» b>?t [ >n the i?Iands t> ei j »y a B ith. there ia no better uiaee t>> !ay St>eciai acconmjodatiiitis f«>r d es. Tr .mc.irs p ss the d '>r e r>alf hour, «nd <>n S >turd;tya Sundays every flfteen iomutes. C. J. SHlR\\ OOD, jy24 Pr>pr;et> Win.g Siii£? Cliai NO. aJO NIUANL' STKEET, HONOl Taōl A fine assortment of A:uer £nglish and Scotch Cl>>th h«nd go> d work and a F1 CI>ASS fit gu.>ranle> d Clothe9enec!dn & repa red jj NOTICE TO Visltors. Pieaie Parties. Laa —ANl> — GENERAL PUBLI(