Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden Rule Bazaar, Depot for NLWSPAPERS asd PERIODICALS by every incoming steamer. Subscriptions Payable in Advance. DOMESTIC SEWING MA0HINE8. Tlm Maeliine is the King of all. On t you ean inake a Loek-Chain-stitch. Embroidery, Untton-holes, Rutfles, Tucks. Gnitars. Lawn Tennis, Baseball. Croquet. Stationerv and Blank Books at S<ir’CASH Hp,IC£S. - Hand Se\ving Machines frora eight dollars and u half up. [jy27 T. H. Davies & Co., 3L.ii».itecL, Fresh Feecf and Flour From WASHINGTON. Lion Flour, Oats, Barley, JVIiddling8, Bran, Per “Wammoo,” Just to Hand. New DryiQoods Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, To Hand. FOB Baitey Honoiuiu Made Wire Voven Matresses anei Hammocks Tal Wo Wlng Kee Co. 9S KUCAKC 3TRKT D6ilere io Laaie** * Gent»’ Boot* ‘ and