Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACFARLANE * C0. Oealen in Wint9 and S[iitiU K Vin mAn i Strwt» Hoaohh. H E. McINTYRE & BRO., Geocebt. Feeb 8tom <k Bakebt, Corner of Eiup anil Fort Sts., Honolula J, PUILLIPS, PR\CnCAL PLUMUEK, GAS.FITTEE 30PPEK SMITH, Hoase and Ship Job M ork Promptly Execateth No. 71 King Street, Uonolali Dk. M< I.ENNAN, F«>rt Street, above tel. Mulnal Te!ephone 0>.2. f**r eHl.’e; '2,S7 for residence. jy28 I:i>. ( BOWE. Iīon*€ Sign and Oinamenlnl Painter. Manuf;»cture of Liquid S!ating. 620 Ring Street. angl LEWIS J. LEVEY, Estate and General Anctioueer. C«nier,Fort «nd Qnecn Stieets Honoluiu PersouHl Httenti>*n given to Sales of Furniture, Real Estate, Stock and Genen 1 MercLandise. Iiutn«i Teleohone ,2;tS 1 L. L|08E, N otary Public. Collcctor and Gemral Business Agent. Patentee of Lose’s Chemical Compouni> for Clarifying Cane Juue. Snh-Agent for sewra1 of the Best FIRE INSURAXCE C0S. Mulual 'ieleplione ». P. O. Box 338. Mercbant atr«et, Houolulu. “FAT BOY.” 8AL00N I P. MoINEIOn*, Feopriktob, Fine Liquors. Wines and 6eer. Coe*er Bkthfl axd Hotfl Sts. Honoiulu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WRIQHT, Pkop«i«tor. (Suoee»5or toG. Wnt). /'aKKIAOE BHL1*IXG *.xd KEPAIKINU. L AU Ordcr» ftom the Other Ulauii- In the Carrt«ife Trinsmius »nd Painting Line "ill Meet »ith Protnp« Atlontion. hUokamilhini; in AU lu V»rion» Brancbc* lK*ne P O. Box Sil. Nos. I2S and 130 Kort Street. jvl» Ij W. S.XUCE Wine and Snirit Alerchant Camphell Firt-proof Block, VCERCHANTRT. HONOLULU. CPINE^E COJfPASY, 8S5 Both Tklephose8 335 H«ck Stand. Corncr King »ud Maunakea Slreet». Hacks at All Hoow. - Jj27 Anchor-:-Saloon Ex y Another IoTtM.ce of the Worid Kenowoea m wm wm .