Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOLOMUAu 18 prBL!SHED Kverv At'temoon eicept scxi>at dt thk Holoaua PubiisMag Co. At King SL (Tbomas b!ock), Houololu, H. 1. J~SGC2n>7:::7. per 2£snth. 50 Ctt T1m? |« wr i» <lelirer*'<! br Cnrrier. in tbe tnru «n<i «iborb». Mna<« Coi»h>» !jt M»ie il tJC ,\ew. I>e*U-r* «n.l u» tbe oflBce of pablioatioQ. £ D¥UhD N0RRIE, - - Editor 'P, M. R00NEY. - • Manager NOTICE. Ali Hnuiueiw OommuMeaiion* «honld be a.1.1re«»d to P II. .IKKJNEV. Uonoiuln, H. I. Ctorre«|x>noence an<l Commnnic*Uons tor onhlioaUun «bunid be mddrt-*ncd to tbe Edilor ll.waii Holomu». No uotice will be pnid lo anr anonrmoa. oommnnieaUon*. Husiuefcis Cards VOLNEYV ASHFORD, Attorncy aml Coau8elor :it Liw, Office, Site of tho 01d Bethel—\Vest Coruer of King aml Bethel Streets. jj’2l A. P. BETEBSON, attorney at law. Offloe: 113 Kaahnmanu S*reet, Uonolnln Hawaiian I*landb. CHAIILES CREIOHTON. ATTORNEI AT LAW. Offl< - : 113 Kaahnmauu Street, Honoluin IlHwniinu Inlanii*. PAUL NEUMANN. ATTORNKY AT LAW. 3U Morchant Street. Honolulu, Muiual Telephone 415. CLAR£NCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORXEY AND 00TO8EUX)R AT LAW. OClce. t)ld Capitol HuiMine. (Honoluln Uale), adj<>iniu|{ l’ost t*ffice, Honolulu. A. ROSA, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. , So. 15 Kaahumann St.. Houolulu, Hawaiian Islamla. H. F. BERTELMANN, OOSTRACTOR AND BriLDER, 86 King St., Bell Telephoue 107. F. H. REDWARD. CONTRAirrOR anp HUU^EK, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. WILLIAM FOSTER, ATORNET AI-LAW & NOTART Pl‘BUC. Honolulu, H. L, Kaahumauu Slrect. jy24 A. G. eOKEEA, tJTATTORNET AT LAW„.iJfJ 307- Mercbant Street, Honolulu. UAVID IUYTO\, Agent to Take Acknowledgments. Wil! Attend tn Managemeiit and 8ale ol Fropertj-—C«iIectiou in All 14s Branchea. Office No. 42 Memhanl Street, Muioal Tele-