Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BMMB 00NSA1VES oa thad > of *ke V<tt &oap la C»« of M., *1. 30, f*> uJ 70 hn wk; THIS S4>.\P » T!tE Finesl Imported Here. SPECIAL PRU ES FOR 3 C ASFs IN LOTS JA& AiNSLEV & C0MPS Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH WH1SREY BEX ALDOCHLAN. Ainsley's 0LD Blended Glenlivet GLH .MON E\tra, Special 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIOLELK SC0TCH \VHISKEY. F. GEKTZ, m. B00T AND 8H0EMAKEH I Repairing Neatly Done. Opposite tbe Clnb Stal>le8, Fort Stroet. aml wili be glad to see hi* old friends. my7 tf A\.V NTED! FL'RN’ITCRE. dishes. glassware, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Old Gold and $llver, and everythins bousnt aud »old at 114 King Street, corner of Alahea. Jy27 P. 0. Bo.\ 20». 405 N'unanu St. S. YASUM0RI, MERCHANT TAILOH, Dealer in Japanese Good3, Boots anel Sho«s of Japanese make; Oheap for Cash, New Goods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE SUNG KKE, 49 KIN'O STREET. TINSMITH, a,vd PEALEK IN' GLAS&ware. Crockery, Coal-Oil Store«, V.'ater Pob—Plambing in All Ils Branches Fuithfully Ejecuted jyl8-ly Y. LUM 8INO, Dealer in Fraits and Groceries. Fresh Frints by Every California Steamer, Bresb lsland Botter J from Hawaii. 135 Fort Street. f Cotfee Eoasted. P 0. Box 169 Fresh Island Prodace, Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City. jy21 s»q \n:.\ KEE, TINSMITH and DEALER IX TIKWARE. Piping Laid and Repaired. All Order» PromptIy Attended to. Charge3 Very Moderate. Gall and See Us, Xo. 222 Maunakea St., ilonolulu. jy20 lui M ITOHAN,” |MPOETEK xst> DEALEB IN' OENEKAL I Men-handise. £xciuirely ol Japwne«e Manafactore-WHv>LESALE Ā RETAIL. 204 an l 208 Port Street. P. O. Bos 116 Maloai Tele. »2. jy 18 Xew Japan AIarket. 367 Maunakea S(rret. Fresh Meat on Ick 4 Pound 25Cl». ScgckL Manager. aUgl CHiN KEE. H0RSBSH0EIXG SH0P. Maaeakea * Pauahi Street. K«V se; «U R>nnd $ l 50 ■ OW«etail ro«nd \ ooi X«xt Door to J» 0. 9 Hoiāe 1 »nffl j *