Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Fire, Iiife <& Marine iNSURANCE. HARTFORD F.*RE IXSURAXCE C0.. Assets, $ 7.109,825.49 LONDOK-LANCASHIRE FIRE IKS. CO„ Assets, $ 4,317,052.00 THA>IES-MERSEY MARIKE IKS. CO., Aasets, .? * 6,124,057.00 KEW YORK LTFE IKSURAKCE CO. f Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, v Geuentl Agent for the Hawaiian Ī3iarid3, ilnooluiu Hj t E, &( Bf^0 1MP0KTEUS ANT> DEALEKS IX Grroceries, Provisions AND Peed, EAST OOKNEK F0RT & KINGiSTS. New Goods Rec’d By every Packet from tbe Eastern States and Enrope. Fresh California Prodnce bj* eveiy steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, aud Goods delivered to auy part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. ' I ' lslaud Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guarantecd. Post Office Box No. 145, Telephone No. 92. THE HONOLULU S0AP H0USE. Sclls the verv best .]nalit.v of SOAP at $4.5i' per 11X1 pouneia and 17 bar* of 25 ponuds honest w'elphl for f 1.25. GF.RMANBLŪE t’A$TILE SOAP, manufuctured by Grans Bros., Mannheioi. Germ»ny. at 10 cents per ponnd. TOILET SOAP, retail at wholeaale prices. SOFT St)AP in tin* of 42 pounds, $1.25. STEAKIC WAX M1NIN6 CANDLES, manufaetnred by the Erarey Candle \Vorks of einelnaU, Ohio, 12 Candles for25 cents. KIAWE FIRE WOOD, $10 per cord. The same cut in blocks of 12 inehea h«uc at anv nnantitv from $1 np. Delivered free of charsre tb anv part of thecitv. KIAWE CHARCOAL at 40 cents a sack Riebroond. Va., CEDAR WOOD POI PAILS linishcd with bra»s hoops. Small aiae 50 ecnts; larpc size 75 eenU. Empty Vin«gar and Wine BARRELS a» water receivers at $1. KITCHEN SALT in sacks of 100 pounds,50ots TABLE SALT given away. Hi-lieM eash pnee paid for H1DL3, SKINS and TAi.LOW. IST. BREHAM, MuUml Telephi«ie 314. Bethel Slre j t angt) P. O. B.*x 4»0, Mutcal Telephone 24o. Tlie Clieapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy; NewandSecond Hand Fmiture IS AT TLIE CORNER OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honolulu ] H. I. j}20

OHOOK LiOOK, Merchant Tailor, No. 4S Nnuahu StHonolulu. A fino as«ortmes( »f Amenean, Engijsb »mJ ' Scotcb clotbs on h*ixL Ooofi vork aad a Flr»t-claai fit sraanntccd. OotbM CIesn«d .mJ Repsirvd. Kwong Sina: Loy Merchant Tallor, Dry Goods, Men and Ladies's Shoes. So. 4U7 Kin< Strect, Dear Yi5K CHAN, DBALKK M Fqe F«fni?biBS Qtnd| Fice T*iIorn? Pine Ohioeee and Jspanc«e H;T.dierchkl8 No6. 31 to 33 Nauaoa Su Qontv lulu, P.O. Box 353. jy5 THE COMMERCIXL SHLOON, Harry KLEMME, Manager Cor. Nauanu & Bcretania sts. Hoooiola, H. I. The Only Sport;ng Hoose in Town. O. I 3 . S. a Specialitv. L0HEXGRIN LAGER |BEER, Always on DfaaghL 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CEXTS. Be*t of Wines, Liquors, and Cigart, AjjWAYS OH HAND,