Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

rr T>sSrrR AN T Cl',-a FIRE AND MAPINE THE rNDERSK»XEl> IS ADTHORIZED TU TAKE FIRE A\r> MAKINE RISKS ON ' i Buildirurs, Merchandise, Hulls* Cargroes, Fi?eights and C 01 nmissions At Curront Hatos. in the Following Cos. \amklv: ROYAL INSURANCE COM’ * *NV. UVi;BPOOL. ALLIANUE ASSURANC-. F1RE & MAKINE. LONDOS, WILHEI.MA OF MADGKBCRU GENER\L 1NSURANCE C0. SUN 1NSURANCE COMPANV, SAN FRANCISCO. J. S. WAI .KEH, Ageni for the Hawaiian Islands. OBDWAT k POMIE, Rnbinson Block, Hoiel St., be(ireen Fort and \uvaun, Have Jnst Rcc<:v«d,jti I i)te An iv«ls. lle i i Mc ek cf fT R NITURE Ever ImpOrted to this Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom &ts Iii Soli«l Oa.lt, anJ ot the LATESTDESIGNS. E8PECIAL ATTENT10N !S CALLED T0 THES£ SETS: WICKER WARE, Beaut : fnl Des ; gns of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS, etc.,vou ean get tbese in nny FINISH you «lesite. CHAIRS, Countless mimbers of CHAIRS, in everv style, includiug OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. E2ITElTSIOIT TABLES, 1 We bave had a uumber of calls for these Tables, with CHAIRS hi match. We have now iu stock the most i BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE £ VER SEEN HERE Sideboards and -:- Ghiffoniers er d x \r a. ]xns „ Divans covere«l with PORTIERS are becomiug quite the rage in plaee of LOUNGES—wa mannfacture them to order, and have a laige stock uf PORTIEKS to select from. BEDDIITGGre:»t Assortment ofWOVEN WIKE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool nn«l Straw Mattresses ou band aud made to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for Pillowa. CRIBS, CRADLES, ete. WINDOW SHADES of all colors aud siz- s. CORNlCE P01.ES, iu wood or bnss trimraings. ioibiir;a. , Mattresses, Louuges and all Upholstered Furuiture repaired at reasonable rttes. CABINET MAKINO, in all its brauches, by C«>mpetent Workmen. MATTING LA1D and Int rior Docorating under the Supervisiou of Mi. GEORGE ORDWAY. Onr Goods aro First Class, aud «>ur prices aro the lowest Come and be convinoed —a trial is solicited. Bell 52ō. TELErHONEs; Mutuni 645. i ()RDWAY k. PORTER, Robinson Block. betweeu Fort an«l Nnuanu

Telepho.vbs: Boll 351 Mutual 417 Resipxscs: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER Kstimates Griven on A.11 Kinds BKJCK, 1R0N, STt)NE 4 WOOOEN 6CILD1N(^ * \ All Kinds of Jobbing in tbe Boilding Tradc, Attendcd to. KEEP8 PX>R 8ALE; fincK, Limo, C«ment. Iroc Stoae Pipe and Fittings. 01(1 A New Cormgated lron, MintonjTilee, Quarry Tiies, assorted size« and oolon; Oaliloiuia and Monterey Sand, Onniie Corbing &nd Bloeks, etc.. eto, !Corner Kiog A Smith Sts. Office Honrs, b to la M.. tte 4 P M.