Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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i ■ —pl» Dr. J. T. Hatzopuios *: \ X, > 1* 'ij'Z lr > i'otessionallv Known as GEOR6E Will give a Wond«rfu£ Exhibitinn of STRENGTH e-jUal and ānrpassi.tg the ftats o i Sandow. at Hawaiian Opera House. —ON — SATURDAY, - August 18 RESERVED SRATS AT LEVEV’S. au!3 PUEIFIED WATER. No Microbes. IS U>ED BY THE CONSOLID.\ rFT> SODA WATER WORKS COMPAXY—Limited. 'TJrLe3r Fuinish tje.o T , ou.rLta.irLS Tlo.xo*u.g'lxo\xt tlxe Cit3^ F.\CEPTTNO ONE Puie as Cr3rstsil. TBT IT. HOLLISTER & CO. Importers. Wholesale and Retail Doalors in IPine Cigraa:3, • Smo3rin.gr ToToac:o, AN1> Smo3rexs .Axtioles. Agents for ihe Celebrated O. B.13. PIPES, M ade in pakis Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner DRUG STORE Pure 33rug:s, Kine P.erfumes, Prompt A.ttention, Low Prices Comer Fort & Hotel Sts. au i

ET S. LĒVT, .O 1 — •“' " ■ } ;. \\ ill on AUGI ST l»t R<»mov»* fro*n hīa on MoteI . 18tr. ei, to the pUe- f*>rmer(y • cc<i'.i-d by B**nson, Sniith it C<*., ! on l?ort stre-t. Aft r l jf< t io-ttUd ‘t wīll be to ?f»nr «*drjnt|»gr to uotes the pr e.a, etc., tbat wiil uppe.<r to thia eolumn.