Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TUTI 1EBBIE8. WILL cm-toaB|ll* m 9. 4 .«■ »»««. F «*.» O*»pi rrrni *a4 īl -- ■>e w<nrM iowm. Hc*n »1» remt>dt4 tS«*t ft wlll r«T» TVt'«i* T«setakie «*<«»* W »•! W »• t»u*t *>--3r»» mmA tir t c&&S_ Pr w« vHfais tV af «ī! *>•! v - Jif»* . !•*»»•* **rr*U »«> , &*rarK. iadff H>nMIT S±... /*”*»i- 0.5 | Removal ! Hustace & Co. — BJ»VE SfOVED TO Morgan's - Auelion - Room« for m *bort time. uwiiE «eUia* Departure Bay COAL jCHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLIXG \VOOD J ln *3T qnmatitr. ' Boti īeiephoae* 4l4 »oC | —= lo\/eJoy &co t WfjoIegale Wiqe \ ūeale^ 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall yoor atfention to Our Special Brands Longlife $ Pure Cream RYE WHfSKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in bottles ! 1 -- - --- j — Corner of ■ HOTEL & NUUANU Sts. Silk and Crepes, Embroiderrd Hadkerchiefs, W’indow Curtains, Str,tW H >1«. Fans. L ntrrns, Bns<ets. ali s rts; Di9hes. Tea and Br-;*kfast Sets, ! Travs, FIo«er Pots, Si'k B dqirlts, Bamb >0 Scrrer.s, Neck-t es, Silk and Crepe Shirts, J ip.iaese Toys J ipanese Provisions by the wliolesale. jy2S MURATA & C0. Per S. S. “Australia,” CAMARIS03, : : Refrigor»tor. CoDtmins a fall supp!y of CALIFORNIA FRUITS, — 9CCH A9 — Cherries, Plum», Pemches. Ap-icota, Neoianne», Grmpo». Frozen. Oysters, Crabbs, Fre*h āalmon. CanIiflower, Cclery, Applo., Orang«ak Limn, etc., etc., etc. 10-2ta City Meai Market Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, £stablisbed 1883. JOS. TINKER, B Ma1cer of the Celebrated I Cambridge Pork Sausage 1 t 5 Tbi Thex, Meat Delivered to Any Part of tlie City and Soborbs. Muioal Telepbone Nnmher 289

•>dP 1f Yo k Hobse •rD o 1 is sick scmi tbem at on"e t«» 205 ; King Stivet. Tbe only Veter [ i inary Icfirmary in the Bepnb)ic B ; folly pqaipped witb modern «p- i a ; pl;ar ces aud ssilllai| a(lendauts. I *ugl-lm i