Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Acgcst lltb, 1894. TĒXDEES I Will be received by J N. Wright, thmngh ! tho l‘ost Office Boi 452. unnl WEDXES D.\Y, ' CGCST 15th, »t 10 >u. for the , {oUo<ricg work: the painting of the lion at Ind»pendonce Park at Little Brit:in, | the s:iid puinting to be dime in a good 1 i workmanIike manner, 2 coats, witfa the best qnality of wuit« lea<ls and Hnbacha Boi.ed 1 Oil Ko. 1 beet qnaiity, coloring at option of i ! s«id J. N. Wright, th it is to say, all of the I snrfaoed work beluw the shingling inc!nding r&iling, posts, &nd braos of walk, le&diug to Kiug street. Fonr (4) pairs j of steps, water-clos t inside, a bandstand floor ab other floors not to be painted.and no pntty.ng to be done. Work to be awarded j ont .e I6th of Angnst, 1S94. Contrac to : be 6n shed withm 20 da\s from th«t date. Terais of pnyment, one-lmlf of the price to | be paid when the fir»t coat of paiutiug is finiahed and the ba!arce at completion of the Job in a goud workmnnlilte manner. i Tbe Building is opeu for inspection at al! : times. .F. X. WRIGHT. I sng 1 l-3ts* FOR SALE. Ono M rqnee Tent. new; Size 16\32 feet; 6 feet Wall; 13 feet Koof 8 i>z. Dnck; Polee, Pins, King R.ifter, etc. Inqnire at tbe HOLOMUA 0FFICE. WANTED. Tbree bright Hawaiinn Girls . to «ell tbe famons VlA\T REMEDY. Apply at the olhee of , tbe Vi»»vi Kemedy on Kmg Street. ang6 'I i F0R SALE - RENT. : - — j 1 Piano, 1 Orj?in and S»?wing Maehine inquire »>f B. P. BI BGE*S. , BereUnia Strcet.

Etnpire Saioon, JAMES OLDS, Pkof»istoe: pine Wiites f Liquo?s. Bee? alwas on hand, Conksr Koiim Hotel Sti*ets. Bell lekphona 341. Fo*t Offlce Boxfl07 Ho Yen Co. Tinsmiths and Deafers Crockery, GUssware, <$c. *• ► • WATER PIPE3 LAIO AKĪ> PLCMBINC NEATLT KX£CUTED No»l NttSUE0 3l, twtwaao XiagM4H»« im MMioi >?«*»