Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 ʻAukake 1894 — As In Hawaii. [ARTICLE]
As In Hawaii.
Souie of tbe partisan dailj papers are circnlating u story to tbe etfect that tbe present adrni- ! nistrution reully disapproved of Admirul Ceubam’s galler\' play : ut Rio und was only restrained i from ceusuring bim by tbe fact tbat bis act seemed i } I to be very popnlar. If this is ■ true. it goes to sbow tbat tbe | original purpose of tbe adminis- . rution was more in tonch with tbe true requirements of tbe sitni j ation tban its snbsequent action ! i wus. Bonbam’s course at tbat tirae pn»cticully tnrned the tide of war against tbe revolutionists I j and in favor of Peixoto. As a ! result we seem to have fastened ’ u governmental regime npon tbe ( uufortuuate Brazilians wbicb l>e.*rs moro resembluuoe to tbe institutions of Russiu tban to a t geunine repnblic, wbicb rests , uj>on and bus its strength in po- • pular approval.—.Vnn Leiter .