Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 August 1894 — TOO TRUE. [ARTICLE]
A constitution Las heen ndopted and a Kepulie declared in Honolulo, bnt. as the reports naively put it, the cLange was so snaoothIy accomplisbed that only a very keeu observer wonld bave known that aoy changehad laken plaee. We niigbt go a step further and siy, withont any breach of eon- j fidonce, tliat no change bastaken plaee aud tbat a republican iustitution of goveruioent do not exist in Hawaii. Tbe bmd of usurpers wbo have seized tbe goverument of that country bave tried to Iegi islate theinselves into office withi ont any reference to tbe will of tbe people. A repub!ic is ; according to Abrabam Lineoln’a defini- : tion, "a governmont of the people, by the people, and for the | paople.’ but this unique Hawaiian 1 Kepuhlio is built on Vanderbilt's ! ; f:imous maxim, “the puhlie bo d d.”— S. F. Neics Le(ter. .