Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 August 1894 — The Bicycle Meet. [ARTICLE]

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The Bicycle Meet.

Tbe liwele r.«c«*. |ilanned by H. E W«lker of thia city for t!iis j*urp-»Mrd of bringm# b»cy e!ers tog«thcr ia comj>et ti «n for prizec, w«re farongbt to a snccess- . fol on S<tardiy *ft«raoon at Knpiolani Ptrk Tuere »is a iargrr oamber of «j>ectators present a»d all 4he tveTit* were ron »itboat any “iHek” cotaing. tbis Satter resoIt is credited to tbe tnosic de8arced by tbe Band. whieh was preaent. Following are the reso}te: 1. One mile: open gtanding start; gold madaV Henry Giles won. Time 2:56 2. HaH-mile; norice; fliying start. »ilrer medal. N. Habtead won. Tirae 1 21 3. Qoarter-mile; open flying start; silver medal. HenK' Giles wen Time 31^. 4. Half-mile; boys’race, flying bUrt: lst and 2J si!ver medals. Goro N.ikava!oa won. Tlme 1:211. 5. H«If-mi!e; Oj>ea flying 8iart; gold medal. Henry Gile« won. Tlme 1:18 4 5 6. One mile; 3 minnte cla«s; standiug start; s;lver medal. J. K ilani.ii.aole won. Time 3;02. 7. Tiirce foarth-mile; open flying st irt; gold med;tl, Henry Gi!es won Tirae 2:19 1-5. 8. One mile. novice: standiug start: silv»r m«dal. N. Huistead won. Time 3:05 3 5.