Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — NOT WANTED HERE. [ARTICLE]

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M avor Ellort of Sm FrHncisco, has again made nn attcmi»t to turn Hawaii into au internation«l H'ceiving station for lopers, and lio has this timo atKlrcssed himself throngh Mr. T. B. Bishop to Mr. F. M Haleh. The lutU>r has had tho eomparativelv good sonso to answor in tho following words: Dear Mr. Bishop: Yours of tho ōth instant in irgard to the loj>ors at the Iieceiving Hospitu! w as dul v received. riease say to Mayor EIIert that the Governmenl will gire caroful considoration to «ny pro IK>sition whieh be might ehooae to make to thom npon th : s sub joct, but at the moniontof writiug I am at a loss to nmiorstand how tho Execulive eouhl act in a matter of this naiuie withcut logislativo action. l'he system of 6egregation has been faithfnlly carried out in recent yeais *nd gives hope of j ultimate eradication of the dis- I easo. We have obtained apppo{>riations for the support of i epers amountiug to something over $100,0tH) a year, whieh. cousidering tbe sizc of the eōm - munitv. is a pretty sevcre tax. bnt it has beeu mct without a murtuur from auv quartcr. I am iuolined to thiuk that objectionsof a seutimeutal nature . wouhl bc made to a proposition for taking oareof lepers from «ny othcr eounin*. The idea cert!»inIy wouid cot be a very pleasant one—that these isiands were i being turned into «n iuternatiou al l«zaretto. I hope, however, what I have said will not discourage Mr. £llert from makiug a trip dowo here, because we . would certainly be glad to see him. whatever ra : ght be tbe result iu regard to this matter. Verv truly youre. i F/ M. Hatch,