Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The w«i l>etweeu China and Japan imv have very serions etfect« iu 11 iwaii. llie racef«*eling whieh exisls heNeen the t\vn uations liare not made itscif very coiis{)icu> uh lu.it), hut eaeh race has k* pt to thciiis« Ives. Tb« rej)orts from tho seat of war has created great excitement amoug theChineso «s well as among the ' J«panese, and it is to be hoped j th«t no distuibauce may occnr in | j>laces horo wbere the two people arc throwu togcther.