Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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PLR1F1ED WAl’ĒK. NTo MiorolD©s. IS l‘5SD BT THE OON8:>LIDA TSD SODA WATER WOR i CC'MPANY — 'Tl2.33r X l 'CLm.isj3. trre X , c-cLrrt3.ins Xlrxc'a.srlrc'!JLt tlre Cit3T, F.XiF.rTIN»; ONE Fui9 3.3 Cr3TStalTET IX. -CS au>:7 HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wholeaile aml R>tail Dealers in Pine Ciera,rs, Smclring Tc"toacco, -vm» Smclrers -<^-xticlesAgents for ihe Celebrated O.I3. D. 3PIPES, M ADE IN PAKIS. Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner rr DRU6 STORE Pure Dru»s, True Perfumes, Prompt A.ttention, Low Prices Corner Fort & Hotel Ste. aui Will on AUGUST l-t Remove from present storc on Hotel strfet, to the plae»* formcrly oee inieil by Benson, Smith A Co. t on Forl 8treet. Aft* r I i;> t s»*ttle<l it vvill be to your acivantnge to noleā the pr ces, eto.. that wi’l appe:*r in th * - eolumn. THE HONOLULU SOftP HOUSE. 9.1U the Terv be*t .ju»litv of SOAP at «J0 ;kt PK> pouoU* »n l 17 b*r» of r» pound« bone*l w'eight f«r #1.-5. t.F,KM AN BLUF. < \8TILE 80,\P, tn»naf!iclured bT Grutv> Bro»., Mannheim, ti«Tm»nv, at I'i eenU per poumL TO!LF.T SOAP.'reUil at wbole*»i<- prire» S<>FT 8<»AP in ;in» of 5.0»!:; - II STKAR1C WAX MINTS<; CANDLF>. rr.anaf»< tur<d br th. Lmr» v C»adle \VorUs of ( in< in»ti. Obio M Candle» for ii cents. KIA'A E FIRE WOOl>. FI<) per eorA Tbe <smt cnt in block» of!i in< tes lonz at «nT quantitjr frotn *I op. I>eIiTered free of eh»rve to »n,T p«rt of the ctty KIAWE CHARCOAl. »t to oents « »*<-k. Richmood. V».. CEDAR WOOD POI P.\ILS iin:»h*d witb br»e-boo;n 8m»il •Ue 50 cent#; Urj;e flze 75 eenu. EmptT and Wine BARRELB »9 «r»ter rec«jTer» »£ *I. KITCHEN 8ALT in «art« of I00poan<fa. 50 eU TABLE 5ALT glT-n »way. Hu;h-»t cxab pHee paid for HIDE3. 8K1N8 »nd ĪA^LoW. v N- BHEHAM, M ;tual Telephone 314. Bethel Stre<*t «a*9 P. 0. B x 480. Mltlal Tklephone 245. The Clieapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy» i.TewandSeccndHand Fnrniture IS xYT THE cokner or X X Honoiulu <ing & Nuuanu Sts. JL * 3 »h. l **■