Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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mn REIEDIES. WILL rrK'»:>omfan(i.Rk«i f<nl. Own. »tl 4 tm ItaMi &•'-'.sr*. < A Fi <»is »w< **»- H sn arr «mm'l •!:«! 4! ■U | Uw>»r Tt. r >R Trc«<aM* >raK4lr« « be a«*il V} tb* e»-'-: *ter«K ti» « m» *w nw* «f «n. s«*i C. U- «. •!!•>»» «>. «•*••«•« •*«« -■ H* '■• • Removal Huj>tace & C - - H.WE MUVED TO Morgan*s - Auction - Ro tor « *bort timv. We ares!i!l *v!>ir Departure Bay C0 CHARCOAL, AIX1ER0B\ md KINDLING W in iny ;uan!;ty Bo!h Te!ephone-- 414 a lo\/eJoy &c Wii]B Deal 19 Nauami Streel We would c>i 11 y<»ur atteuti Our eial Brauds Longlife § Pure Crean RYE [VH/SKEY. Fredericksbura Beer au2 in c:tsksor b< * l BAZAA — Corner of — hoti:l ā' nuuanu St Silk aud Crepes, Embroidered Hadkerc Window Curtains, Str,iw Fans, Linterna, Raskets. all s Dishes, Tea and Breakfast Trays, Flo«er Pots. SilkBedq Bumbo<» Screens, Neck*ties, and Crepe S!iirts, Japaoese Japanese Provisions by tbe w sa!e. jy2S MURATA & ( Per S. S. u Australi CAMARINOS, : Kefrigcr«tor, ConUins u full snpj)lv o( CALIFORNIA FRUITS. — «l'CH 4» — Cberrie«, Plutns, Peaehe*, Ap'iool», N'ectnrincs, <»rapc«. Kroren. Oysler«, Cral»b«, Frc*h Salmon, Cauliflower. Celery, Apple», Oransc«. Limes, etc., etc.. e 'aui:. K*-2ts Capt. Wm. Davies Hi<ro:er, Srevedore ai AVi*ecker. ESTIMATES AN*D CONTRACT8 ( all kisds qf wobk. Steamer Waimanalo will rui pular «-o Waiaoa», Waialua Way LaDd;ng. inqaitc at office o( J. S. WlUEl Spreckel's B»nk. feb U tf. Gust. A. Mauer, HAWAIIAN HQTEL BAR.