Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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NOIK ’E TO Visitcrs, Pieuie Parties. Ims —ANI> — GEXERAL PUBLIC! At Smith’s Bls and Livehy Stable, Kino Street. [Adjoining Metropolitau Meat Market.] U Uie C’heapest Pla«e in Towu you ean get Bus»es, Wagonenes, Buggies aud Saddle i Horses. lt will pay y»u to eall and see | beforc you try elsewhere. Mutual Telephone 408 j augi-t| Win g Sin? Okan^ NO. 330 KUUAN'U 3TREET. HONOLULU at Tsiilor A tine as.sortment of Ameniean. English and Sc »tch Ch*ths on haud gn d work «nd a F1RST CLA8S tii gu:iranteed C!<>theseaec!dn A repa:red jy7lm L°ng Branch -8ATHING* Establishment. This Pirst-Glass Bathing Resort ■' has been enlarged and is now onen to the puhlie, It is the best plaoe un the islands to enioy a Bath, and lbere is no better nlaee to !ay off. Si>ecial accomraodations for Ladies. Tr >mcars pass the door every half hour, and on S;iturdayg and Sundays every fifteen mmutes. , C. J. SHLRWOOD, jy»4 Proprietor. FORSALE*RENL 1 Psan», 1 Orgm and S wing Maehine innu ; re «*f ». r. B( R(.C» Ber»*tania Streel. SAM yee hop. No. Ō52 Kiug Str«tt, Deaier in ! C.lifornia and Hawaiisn Froita and Teget*blea. Go&va Jelly, I Tea and Gr->oud Coflfee. Cig»rsetc. jy30