Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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\l.q L;»ve a!i l»eeu n?ading thi» Coiamn i ,r some time -iuJ expectinp s-:*mething todrop—well here goes for a little flver as we sav in Mercantile ParUnce. We hare a couitter »levo*ed to Wa.«h Dress Goods this week. tbey are worth iookinp at. au«.l at the same time making a gness on their Va1ae. Remembcr yon need liot boy them onless yoo waut to —bot yoo ean eall and puess on their Valne —ar.d the Lady guessing the nearest to the retail value of these Cioods ean hava her piek of a Dress Pattern for nothing. those that are not good guessers won’t make a very bad mistake, if they buy tbe goo»ls ootright at oor figores. eome in and make your gaess, the pools close Satorday—tbe winner gets her Dress. Monday, Augost 13th. There is ucthiug the matter \vith Scotch Dimity when you ean get 6 yards for S1 or Toile du >>’ord for children’s School Dress. a s or L*dies Dresses at 8 yar 1 s for81- Remember these goods improve everytime they are washed. Something new in American, Eng’isb and Frencb Percale for Sbirt Waists aud Dresses—these C»uods are the finest ever shown bere »nd m.ike up lovely. 32 ineh wide Cotton Dnck at i 15 cents a yard is anotber thing j vou ein miiko uo mistake in—all 1 Fast Color---we bave au elegaut liue of Liueu Duck. Now don’t forget to eome in :ind guess ou those Wash Dress Ctoo»1s. We have something for the Secmul I5est Guesser bnt we \von’t meulion it. B. F. EHLERS.