Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 ʻAukake 1894 — Irrepressible. [ARTICLE]
San Friincisco, Aug. 3. A nervous youag nian of military bearing created cons;derable exoitement at the Cbinese Cousvdate Wodnesilay afternoon. He seut in a card bearing tbe following: “Lieuten.int Francis L. G. Harden, lato H. B. M. N. R.” Consul Cbip at ouee admitted tbe the visitor. M'ho Lore suehovidenj ces tbat be had recently been of tbe naval reservo of Great Britain. Harden entered bearing a beantiful g.dd-mounted sword, wliioh was pvesented to him by the fallen Queen of tbe Hawaiian Is!ands. He was received conrte- ; ouslv by the Consul and his attendants. after whiuh he partook of tea with thcm. “I am bere to otler my services to the Cbinese GoverniViect,” said Lieutonant Hanlen, * and if vou bave vecrniting ord«rs I am at your service ’’ Tbe Consul said he would refer ihe matter to the Cbinese Ambassador at Wasbiugton. He a!so said tbat tbe Cbinese Goternmeot \rould doubtless avail itself of the services of foreign officers iu the impending conflict. Harden serred iu the Chilean war anJ recently aided the royalists of Hawaii, for whieh reason he w;is deported. He eame to this city on the last Anstralia