Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 ʻAukake 1894 — INTENDING PASSENGERS. [ARTICLE]
Persont Already Booked for *.he Aostralia. Present iudications poiut to anotber large ex xlus of towns- j |>eop’e and toori«ts by tbe steamer Au-tralia on her next trip, from here to San Fr,»ncisco. and whieh set f<>r Satorday the inst. As now booked tbe iutending passengers (wbo aro to cnjoy the care and attention of C«ptain HondIette. Purser McCombe, Dr. SonIe ae 1 Cbief Steward James aud tbe otber g -ntlemanlv c<tficers of tbe safe and speedy Anstralia) in tbe c vbin Number 36—uhd their names are bere listed. viz: Mf.sdamxs. f. T. Dodge and cbild S. S.»*idge; \V.C. Weedon and daugbter; T. E. Jackson: C. Jack-on; {CHpt.»in) Ablbron and cbi!dren:(Dr. ‘Winalow and cbild; P«ymaster) Ht ndee. Mtsses. K. J. Browu; H. E. Hunt Hendee(2). Mu. axdMbs. Cipt. W. B. Godfrey and cbiidren; Dr. G. A. Sbelton. Mk-ses H. F. Wiehman; A. R Cunha: Harrv A. Wilder; Porcy Lisbman: William Savidge; Rev. S. B. L Ponrose; Rev. W. W. L<»vejoy; W. L Wbitney; J. H. Letcber. .1 It is repoited that. on acconnt of the mOi.gre number of ap]»lic.ints ft<r fraocbise jirivileges tbe ex »mination aud regisration of voters will soon be discoutinued i»t tlie Government bnil‘liHg By reason of a not over bright ncconntant, the books of Conn cillor Nott. better known as Jobn Nott bave n<*t been kept propcrly and aie reported to bc iu n knottey, not nangbty, condition wieh is not p!easant for Mr. Nott. Tbe 'Ti*er flyiug dutobman materialized and arrived in port here yesterday aud proved to be j the s!oop “John Good' from a cruise. Ono of the crow, a re- : poited deserterfrom tbo barracks, was j»assod as alright by Porl Surveyor Siin»lei3 and the last seen of hun he was steeringWest for a barbur. Ik Yovb Uokse <‘K D< g is sick send them at on ;e to 205 King Street. The only "N eterinary Infirmary in the Rejmblio fully equipj»ed with modecn aj> j>liarces and skillfu!l alteadants. augl-lm