Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 ʻAukake 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Now tbe iEOon, ‘'in glon»' brigbtQen« t " tl.e eTening .‘«ky. The steamcr A<utralia w*s teIepbon<Hl at 6:25 o eloek tLi-S morning f l;e hacd coucert at Tbom.is Sqn ti- last eveninp was not well attendē«]. L. 13. Fowler gīves a higb te«timony to tbe e{licacy of tbe Vi;jvi reme<lies. L. .1 I,evey bad an excellent aeeiion «ale yestcrday of general mercbandise. J. N. Wrigbt ealla for tenders for certain work to be done at } Independence Hall. Me:nbers «>f tbe Frnit aud Flower mission will visit tbe Hospit»l toroorrow. A to!egram states tbo late C. A A. S. S. Miowera waa lost ott coast of Norway July 31st. Tbe trees and sbrubbery in Kuuna Sqnare are mueli in need of triinraing and reduction. Fisbing parties now dot tbe face of tbe w:iters in frout of Sans Sonci daily ar.d nigbtly. Tbe raacadamization of Emina s:treet is slowly approacbing eoiu pleiion. Tbe work bas appeared ; to be nicst thorougb. K. Amaya has opened a photo ‘ grapbic g-»llery o:i Naaanu Stract. op;>osito Q seen Emm > | Hall. Ciood works and cst rates. ; Supcrintendent Cassidy is |'roviding new weariug material for tbe telepbone j»osts of tbe Bell i Co. Coats, of paiuia, are now i bciug fitted D. K. Bent tbe carriage builder on King Street 107, is doing all ; work in bis line iu a first class iuanner at very reasonable rates. ] Give bim a trial. Tbo largo mail, brougbt by tbe Anstralia from tbo Coast, was : distribated witb dcspatcb this morning by Deputy Keuako and bis ussistants. Tbe clouds prosaged rain last evtuing bnt uone of auy moment 1 fell as a oonseqaeuce tho scaroity I of water iu certain portiousof tbe city still coutinues. Tbe Scl.eutzen club bad a wellattcuded iuoetiug last eveuing. Tbe organiz.»tiou sbows marked j>rosperitv in • number and tbe same adbesiveness. Do not forg.‘t llie bicycle meot tbis uftornoon at Kapiolani Fark Tbe race will be commeuccd at ‘2 30 o’eloek sharj>. See programmo in anotber eolmu. l’ositions on tho boards of | f»egistration and of Examiners. for votors, are now inueh sougbt 1 after on account of tho j>roposed • tonr” arouud tbe Island. ► > Tbc us«al woll patrontsed tbo- . ronghfare of Nuuanu avonue w.is. > yesterday, about 10 o’eloek without a single pedestrian, car, or ■ earriftge, in sight betwecn tbe' Lyc«um aud SchooI streets. 5 “ Tbe “League” people bavo a i siigbt iutent on of reqncsting Mr. i G. D. Gilman, Hawaiian consnl . at Boston, to deliver a poliileal )' address iu the uear (utare Tbe attendance at tbo religious servioes, for Japanese, beld at the Lycenm. is falling’off. The scbool of ĪDstruction iu English, j !v'ading and writing is being adde «h! to. i Kumor bath it tbat Mr. S. M 1 Pamon the roan«ger of the bank of Bishop A Co., will be retired * ■ bv reason of a new deal in the i, TUftke-up cf tbe busiuess. “As YouLikelt : ’ Act U 8cene VII, O y Captaiu Cook a namesaka only iof tbe great discoverer aud a « cbaracter weli-kuown atoug tbe n water-front bas been quite au lī opium oracle lately and bus st«rte»l out a docen or more quests for eaehee oi tbe cpntraband drag.