Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — AUGUST 11th, 1894 TENDERS [ARTICLE]

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Will bc rpoe«T*Hl l v J. N. Wright. thxongh ihp I’mi Oftoe lV>x 4M, until \VKDNKSDAY. Al CllST 15th. «t 10 *.m. lor tbe lulk>»inp rrork: the i*itiUnj{ of ihe P«nlion at Iml»|)end«fnce nrk »t L>tlW llniun, the auiJ i«iuting lo be don* in a S''o*l wcrkiu»nbke ni*nner, 2 oout», with Ihe t»e«t qnalitv ol whiw leadt> »nd Hul«ucha Bou#4 OU No. 1 >*»< qu«lity. color.ng «t oplion ol ««d 4. N. «nght. tb.>t i* lo R»y. «U e* «>» •tirt««d work helow th« «bmgUng includmg nilīcg, »nd tm»r« t»f »alk. lcwūiug to Kiog *<re»t Foar i4 pni» ol uei«i. w*ter-doml uuaūe, a l«nvb>;*&d fiocr.aU otbiT iloors not lo bt iutBtM,«iui uo pnttying to bc dona. Work to be awanUnl on t!i» U>th o( Angu>t, 1SSM. Cotun»ct lo be fiu:ah«d wiihiu 5d d»vs frutn lhat d»te. Ttruiē of paimeni, une-Lail of the pnoe to lw pmd when tbe lin*t ooal of jv»tuUug i» mud iLf hikiiee it roxzipkrtiou of iLe Job iu * good vtorkm«ulikf uittuui>r. The Bailding » opeu lor tu»pection at ail J. IV. WRIGHT. ang ll--3u*