Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CITY DR \VAGE C0. Q:iee» *nd Fort Str.eO. »nd B!»ck Smd. Drayirg lX)ne at Res»mable Rates. W F 3HARBETT. MmmO. MACHINF Nf A!)F. % : POI! FACTOKY. : ; KALIHI. Tam Pl«nt», Fre»h and Raw T*ro at *U tira««. Riog l*p Mutna! Telephoce -ī7T. Be!l 345. W. L. WILCOX, jy*25 Minager. RING I P MITTAL TELK 31; , NIEPEB S Baggage Express. Ufflor. i»rcrt 5t, tl I Rsggsge and Furniture C*jvfully IIand!ni and Delivered at Short Notiee to AIl Parts of the C;ty. Stan«l on Cr. F->r at> : j,rt5 T. B. Murray I** l>t t(> »M* i'oilllll On Ihe OI«l Hlanil. \«. || •iin« Ht.~lliw llnniiim .1« CAHRIAGE 1 . AXD r AGw; 11 nmmn »rh (mh*s On. Whci\ tho “PEOPLES’ PARTY ’ gets smashe<I he will Ik' reacly t*> REPAIB. PAIHĪ AND TR1IIT ' At a Rcasonable Figure.— No Extra Charge for FurnLshing them with Oommon Sen»o. LET THE.M KINO UP MUIUAL TELEPHONE 572. jy.l *>fn City - Carriage Mf’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STHEET D. BEl\lT, M^na^ei^ * Blacksmith Work AXD Carriage Repairing PAINTING : AND : TRIMMING .In all its Branches, at Be>! R-Dck Price*. Mulual Telephone 382 Give us a Cali and jadge for yourself. j v23 CRITERION 8AL00N, Weiland • Extra • Pak LagEr Heep 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jyl4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r Fernandes k Gomes WHuLEiALK Caiifornia Wines and Spirits, Np. 502 Fort St.. Honolulo, H. 1. P. O. Box 436. Mutual Tele. 140. . „ -