Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ciub Stabies Company. $. F. (ji$iani, Managei Livery and Feed Stables. FORT STREET, between Ho tel aml Bert-tania Street<, Ilonolula. B<>th Telephones 1"' jy23 lra PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. imiEKI nnd lee Croam Parlors! I PRACTICAL COXFKCTK)NEH AND ORNAMENT£R Tn all braurhe$ of lhr hut!nrt* 0,1 th/>r ūlan tlt. Anunean. Krurli<h, (ii-nnan aad Kn-neh PASTRIES Marii* to Onler. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES { M»ilr o( t!ie Very I!rst Msti ri»I atid «t hnsouble Kate». Family Graham &. Fancy Bread Altrny» oh Hauii, ALL C»3TTX'TIOXEKY Manufactured at My Est»bli>hmciit Arc (iuaranticd to l>c ’Positively Pure and Sold at Prices no otber est»blishinent ean eompele » ith. fJT“ FACTORY A.M) STORE, No. 71 Hotei Street, FI-.>no!uiu. Both Telephones No. 7*. jri6 IPANIHEON 8ALOON, KORT ASD H(»TEL STS. Head(marters Enterprise Brewiii£ Co. THE *s*h v ' HORN m \M1) 1863 m iii 1394 W\ m Eargest Consignment of Beer that ever arnved here, no;r on Dranght J. DODD. Prop’r A D.n I\ISTItlTO K.s HOTl€E. THE L NDERSI(«NED having Uea (lnlv appoinieil Admini.stnitor of tbe Es;ate ot PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae, lUoa. Maui, deccased, wonld herewith givc notiw to »11 per*ons hariag aeeon&U »guic»t the «aid cstate to preseat tbem to him, pr>>j.;rty aworn to, within «ix monlha from <iāt« bereof, or taey will be forerer bamd. Aad »11 pers.>i» owmg*th« s*id esUte »re reqnested to #ettie forthwitb. M II. P.EUTER. Administr»tor of tbe Lstate of Pahia Kaloi dece’»45#>l. Haua, Mani, Jnly 7th, 18&». jr 9-Im New Japan , 307 Mnumkea Strtet. Freah M.at on I«'e 4 Poand 2-5Cts. SCGLKL Mana2er. a«gl CHIN KEE. HORSESHOEING SHOP, Maunakea * Pauahi Street. New aet aU ro»>nd f 1 50 OU set »11 rosBd 1 uo Next Do_r lo Ko. 5 Ecgine Heoae. angl Pioneer ShSrt Factory KSTABLfc*HED 1587 A. iL 3IELLIS, Proprietor, 318 Fort 8*., U{wt»ir». Honoinhi, Good 71L