Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
4 i t Jnly 24 ’S94. 1 In 1 'Paddenhead W ilson ? Philosopby‘' Mark Twainsays: ‘ Put . all of yonr epgs in one basket — and watch that basket are not the ouly things to whieh t this applie>, we ean make t nt H &tovcs and change egg> into do’lars and make it read—lnvest a vonr eoin in a P«nsv Stove—aud # the stove will watch itself. We I have heen watching these stovos ? for the p ist five yenrs. and Hmi thetu the best iron stove so! 1 in this market for the money. Where else than at our store ean you get a stove that will do overv - tldng that a >50 stove will doaod get it for *15.' £eho answer.s. ‘the plaee isn’t bnilt.’ We have £ • sold Lnnilreds of these stoves in Honoluln, and never had a eomplaint. Two weeks ago, we sold one to a gentleman ou Hawaii, and yostenlay he ordered another , for a friend. The stove sells itself thr>ngh its fnel saviog ‘ ; qualities. and becanse, it is a > 1 I good baker. Yo-.i ean got other ’ styles cf stoves if you are not particnlar as to the qaantity ’ 1 of fuel \Ou baru or how yonr T t r . , food is eookeil. Th re's no dys- ’ ! pepsia 5n moa’s prepared on a 1 PANSY. We recoived last woek a lot of * i wire clothes-lines that hold , washed clothes without using s 1 pins. It is asort of double wire | arrangement and the pieces are ? ! hekl in betweeu; the hanler the wind b!ows the tighterthe pieeea x I are held to the line. There is j absolutely no danger of the | clothing being torn as there is i L - # nothmg shurp about the line. ? While the cost is a tride greator | thau rope, this new style will last so mueh longer that it is • eeonomieal to bny the pinleaa , i line. i The CLAUSS is one of tho ■ ; new fangled s.w-edge knivesthat cuts wanu bread without leaving • it heavy and iced eake without making crumbs There are two or i three d tferent mikes of these knives, all on the saxue principle and eaeh one proaonnced the best ou earth by the mauufac turers. We selected the Clauss, whieh we believe as a disinterested spectator to be better thau its neighbors. You nevor had anything in your life that give as mueh satisfaction for a dollar. If you were buying the othex : sox - t you would get only one. The favorite sewing maehine in any community is the one that does the most for the Ieist monev w and whieh rnns the easiest. In the “Wertheim” \’ou have a maehine that sews three distiuct stitches—The Loek, Chain and Embroidery aud runs easier than any other maehine, and you pay twenty dolIurs less for it. Eeonomy stands bo!dly everj' side when yon buy a Wertheim. In tncking the ehain stitch is prcferable, but in cther kinds of work, the loek stitch is tbe best. lf you buy a maehine that sews the loek. nnless it is a Wertheim, I . . . it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. There’s no particular saving in buying a maehine with but one i stitch, the Wertheim docs tbreo aud saves yoa !ots of trouble and work. We've just unpacked six casks w of sbiud lampsthat were built for ! hard times. 7hey have melal bases and are decorated so as to j make a very ueat appearance in a ! room. We don‘t think vou ean * get as good a lamp any where else i for tbe mcney, try as Lard as vou I plea.se. Onr stock of table catlery, ' : s)X>ons and forks is as large as i ( yoo wili nnd in any store in San Francisco, andour pricescompare favorahly with those in New York. I ffce Haiaiiaa fiarti3R Cn. 307 Fort Street ’