Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — A DESERVED SNUB. [ARTICLE]

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Mr. J. F. Morgac sbowed his good sonso yesterday by giring hts coIleagnes in the councils a pieee of bis iuind. Tbe eouoeila bave Istely got into tbe babit of railroading importaut measures tbrougb aud passing bi)Is vithout giving tbe members a ehanee to look at tbem or make up tbeir miods to tbe merit of tbe measure. Tbe resuit of tbis basty legislation has been a constant tinkeriog en tbe biils previously passed. Tbe *‘provisional ’ laws are i cbaracteristic by tbe numerous provisional nmendments to tbe ! originals. The “faithfar’ in the | counciIs, of coorse don’t kiek. Tbey vote any way, tbat tbe ! migbtv govemment ortiers tbem to do. Mr. Morgan is built of a , di9erent materiai, and yesterday f be refused to vote on a oertain *■ ameudment to a provisional bill, saying that he wisbed “to record his protest agaixu>t sucb ehaia

-iia&WK. to tbe Jodiciary Comm:ttee's f«iiare to iosert the provisioo in Ihe original bilL” 13ullv for Morg«n !