Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — HARD TIMES. [ARTICLE]
Tliesemi oAieial eveoing paper j wbicb is yet, for a sbort while to eomo, subsidizcd bv tbe Planters Labor aud Supply Association, claims 1 a«rt nigl;t, tbnt tbere are ; no bard tiir.es auiong tbe “republieana and anaexationi»ta.” lt slioas tbe absolute laek of knowledge of tbat organ to make hueli a preposterons statenu-nt or a willful intention to falsify and raisrepreseut tbo trne sitnation of tbe*country. If tbe editorof tbe Sl'tr wou!d take n trip througb tbe stores or wholeaale bouses owued by tbe repnblicans and annexat:onistR, be will bear tbe usual cry of bard timos. If be will interview tbe stockbolders in all tbe repub)ican etc. p!antations, Iie will bear eomplainl if not despnir; if be will eall on tbe members of tbo republican etc. Councils, tbey will sbake tbeir bcads nnd w bisper. “you bet it is bard tiuies for all of us;” if be w ill visit tbo Araerican League coraposed cf republicans etc., be will be greeted witb a cry of “work, work;” if lie will enter tbe rorlugueso colony of stauucb republicaus otc., bo will bear (he still raore desparing cry of ‘ broad, bread for us nnd onr littlc ones,'' if be tben vill go back to bis oilieo, bis ear wil! be toucbed by tbe pto biro) so faniiliar dcraand for casb, casb ! Ob.no! tbere aro no bardtimes uniong tbe rcpublicans aud annexationisis ! Hut, of cour.se, if lie only takes bis eue frora tbe unsolfisb republiruu oliiee bolders in tbe governnient buildmg frora tbe presideut down to tbc $40-h-montb- aud - grccn pcas -soldier be w ill bear tbat Oie>f are satisfied as long as tbe public funds tlou't give out; nud as long as tbey ean fto quote tbo S(ar) “livein luxurv on public funda, while tbe busi ness nnd government of tbe couutry nro goiag very rapidly 1 from bad to worse. ’