Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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macfabulse a co Ikakn in Wines and Spirits Ksshuinaiiii Honolalo. H. E. McINTYRE k BRO., „ I Gp.ocebt, Feed Stoke k Bakebi. Corner of Kinp and Fort Sts., Honoluln J. PU1U.1PS. PR.\CTICAL plumeee, gas.fitteb 30PPER-SMITH, Hoase and Ship Job Work Promptly Execnted. No. 71 King Street, Honolula. Dr. MeLENNAN, Fort Street, above Hotel. Mulual lelephone GH2. f«>r oflice; | 287 for residence. jy28 j :i3. e ROWE. Hov*e Sign and Oinamental Painter. Mimufacture of Liquid S!ating. 620 King Streel. augj LEWIS J. LEVEY. Heal Estate and General Auctioneer. 0oraer'Fort and Qnecn Streeta, Honolnlu Personal nttention given to Sales of Furnilnre, Henl Estate. Stock and Genernl Merchandise. Untnal Tnlenhone 238 M. LQ8E, >*otarv KuLlie. Collcctor and General Business I Agent. Patentee of Ix>se’s Chemical Compouxd for Clarifying Cane Juice. Suh-Agent for several of the Best FIRE IXSURANCE C0S. Muhial Telepbone o. P. O. Box 338. Mercluint street, Honolulu. “FAT BOY." 8AL00N I P. MtTXERXV, PaonuEīoa, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Coe.v er Bsthei. and Honei. Srs. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WRIGHT, Propbibtok, (8ncce**or to O. West). pARRIA('.K BITLDIXG np RF.PAIR1XG. V AII 0{der* from thc Other I*l»nds in Ihe C»rriaee Building. Triminioe »nd Painhne Line »ill Mcet wilh Prompt Attcntion. Bl»ok«mithini: in All lte V«rions Branohes Done. P O. Box 321. Xo*. 128 »nd 130 Fort 8treet. j.vI9 Iy w:s.lxjce Wine and Snirit . Merchant OampUU Firt-proof Block y MEUCHAXTST. HONOLELU. CPINESE fflRRIHGE C0MPAS r, S3ō Both Tklkphoxcs 335 Haek Stand. Corncr Kiog and Maunakea S'.reeta. Hacks at All Hours. jv27 Anchor-:- Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Another Invoice of the World Renowned FREOERiCKSBURG UGER BEER On draaght and by tbe keg. ALeo, as a Spcclaltv, Small Frbsh Caufornia 0YSTERS, fok cocktails mayl 3me