Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THE HAWAIIAN REPUBLIC. i OFFICIAL LIST 0F MEM BERS AM) LOCATION OF BGREACS. ExKcrrrr* CorxctL. I S. B, Do>. rrwi'Vo: of tfte Prt>Tls(cn»; Ooeemment ot th< HavalUa IilanO». au4 Mtn!ster o I Ppteirn .KHkin. J. A. Kln*. MtalTS*r of the Inf*rtor. S. M. Dudod, Mtnister at Flnance. 'V. O. SnUth. Attome7-Oen«rml. Ai>vw)aT Corxm. w. r. WUder. vtee-f>ve«Met3S of ihe PmeiMonai Gorenunent of tbe Hawaiian tslanJs. r. Boite. l'eell BroWn. John Notl. Joho Ena. James F. ī(ornn Ed. 3.hr. Joe. P. Men lonea. Chas. T. R.>dgnr», eounell*. John Fmme;nth. B. D. Tenner. W. F. A!!en. Henrr W»:erhou«e. A. Yonne. T. M. Hatrh. Secretary Ei. a d Ad» 5tpkkmk Cotkt. Hon. A. F. Jndd. Chlef tu»tloe. 5-- X ®} < ‘kertou. F!r»t A«melate Ju«tlee. Hon. W. F. Frear, ?eot>n<! A»ociate Ju»tioe. IIennr ?mlth. Chief Clerk. C5eo. Lue. ». Deputjr Clerk. 9 X- ® l »*«*ie.8er>nd Deputy Clork. l. « a.ter Jonoa, 8t«nographer. ClRCCIT JCDQKS. Flr», eiwill: j££™£*|(*l,n f£ ? ’5 d C I r S a,t: A. X. Kepolkal. Thitdand FourthCireuiu (Hawail)S. UAn»tln FUtli Circuit: (Kaaai) J. Hardr. Oliioee and Conrt-room in Conrt Hon*e, »treet. Siltln)t tn Honolulu-The fir»t Monday in Kebraary, May, Angu»t acd XcvcmD«rABm«NT or Foakios appaik». | Office lu Capltol Hulldltiff. Kln* »treet. His EsccUeaey Sanfonl B. Dole, Mlal»ter o t Eorel<n Amun, Oeo. C. Potter. Seerete ry. W. Horace Wrlght, Uouel Hart. Clerk». D*PA«m«!rrur ImaiuaOfflce lu Executive Baluling, Klng «treet. Hi» Exoeilenry J. A. Kln*. \(iui»Serof Interior. Chief Clert, Juho A. Ua»s a*er. A»tsUat Clerka: J»m.>» H. Hovd. M. K. Keohokalole, Stcphen Mahaulu, «ieoeee C. Ko» Edward S. Boy.L Bc*«ac or Ao*iccltvr* a»d Eo«*(rr«T. Presideni Hi» Exce!leney th« Minl»ier of Interior. Wm. O lrwin. Allan llerbert, Joha Eua, Joaeph Mar»den, Com2nl»louer and Seeretary. C»ixrs or Bc*kaC», Intx*xo* D*rA*m«tn »unreyor-'>eneraI, W. U. Alexander. 8upt. Pubi e Work». W. E. Koweli. 8apt. W«tcr Work», Audrew Brown. ln»pector, Eleetrlc U«ht», John Canlde. Ketfl»trar of C .ueeeauee», T. «. Thrum. Ho«d »upery!»or, II .noluiu. W. II. eummiiu» Chief Engineer Klre Dept., J«». H. Hunt. 8apt. luaaue A»ylum, Dr. A. McWayne. DarAxmiNT or Financ«. Offlce. Executire Bul!dlng, Klng streel. Mlnixter of Elnanee, UU ExceUency 8 M Damon. Aaditor-Uenerml, Oeorge J. Ro«s. Regi»tnr of Acccunts, W. (1. A»hley. Clerkol Finanee Olllee, E. A. Meluerny. Col,ector-Generai of Custom. Jas. B. Ca»tle. Tax Aa»e»aor, Oahn, Jona. 8n.w. I<eputy Tax As»e»»or. W. C. Weedon. Pu»tma»ter-General, J. Mort Oat, CCVT0X9 HC«KAC. Offlee, Cu»tom House. E«planade, Fort itreet CoUector-General, J«». B. Castle. Depnty-C01.«etor V. B. Mer*tocker. H»rborma»ter, CspUlo A. Fuller. Port 8urveyor, M. N 8aoden. 8torekeeper, George C. 3tratemeyer. 7>crA*mxNT or Ano«N*r-Oknikal. OOee in ExeeuttTe HulMln*. Kiu( tUeetAttoraey Genera!. W. o. *mtth Depnty Attorney.General, 0. K. Wi!der Clerk. J. M. Kea. Mannai. K. O. HiUhenek. Clerk to M.nhal, H. M. Dow. Depoty Manhai, Arthnr M. Brown. Jallor Oaho Prl»on, J. A. Lo». Prl»on Phr»lcU".. Dr. C. B. Cooper. BoAXO OP lJOKtdKATXON. Prwldenf. HI» Etce;>ncy A. Kla*. Member of Ihe Boari of Imnugr»:ion; Hon. J. B. Atherton. Jaa. B. Caatle, Hon. A. 8. Ctegh«rn. Jamca G. 8peccer Mark P KoWnaon. 8eereury> Wray Tayior. Boa*i> op Hkaltn. Offlce!a gr»and» of Coort Hooae Bnlldia* coruer of Muliaai and <daeea streeU. —; Dr. Dmy, Dr. Mlncr, Dr. Andrew», j. Waurbou*e Jr., Jofcn Ena, Th«o. F. ‘ and Attaroey-Gen«ral nmilh. “*■*— W. o 8mlth. l Wiltox. j Offleer—C. B. Reynolda. ra ;d Mauager ol Gaxbage 3etr1ea i Pimi. W. e. Jonc». ! Ph/aieUo, Dr.O. B. Andrewi. T -. H. W. How*rd. “i Dr. E. K. OUver. Boakc or E»ccatios. Conrt H'>w Bnndlng. KLig>tre«t . Hon. C R. Bl«hop . w. Jame* 3mJtn. of 8cbooia, A. T. Aikinaon. DuT*iCT_Coc*r.; Pollee 8tattoa Bullding, Meiehaal »tree( JiH. Robertaon, M*gi»tr»>• /mm»A T'nompgoa, Clw>