Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

PCBIFIED WAĪĒK. IV o Miorobes. fc» C3ED BT THE O‘Nā0UD.\rEP SODA WATER WOR i COM P AX Y—Limitevl. r\unish. tjd.e T r T3aj:o’ULg*23.0"u.t tl^.e EIC«PTTN<i ONE X*-Lxxe as Cr3rstsilUr IX. -CS HOLLISTER & CO. Importers. WholesaIe and ReUil Dealers in IF , ixxe Cigrsxs, Sxxxolxixxg: XoToaoco, ANl) Sxxxolrexs -A-xtioles. Agents for ihe Celebrated 0.13. D. PTPES, M-\DE TN PAKIS. ang7 CitST, aug7 Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner DRUG ST0RE Pure Druo;s, True Perfumes, Prompt iVttention, Low Diūces Comei‘ Fort & Hotel Sts. aui ĪFT Ivl- S. £3 Will on AUGUST lst R<;move from his present store onTlotel street, to the plaee forrnerly oeeupml by Benson, Smith & Co., on Fort street. AfU-r I get settled it will be to your advant«ge to notes the pnces, eie., lhat will appear m this eolumn. THE HONOLULU SOAP HOUSE. SelU tbe »ery be*t qnali(T o{ SO.\P at W.50 per 101) pounU- wjd i7 b«ni of 25 ponnd» hone«l *eijcbt (or #1.25. UEKMAN BLl'E CASTII.E āOAP. manufjctnred bj Gran* Bro«.. Mannheim, GennanT. at 10 eenU per pound. TOILET SOAP. retail at whole«alejprice«. SOFT sMF.\P in Un* o( t* ponnd*. #1.25 8TEARIC WAX MININO CANDLES, manofactared by lbe Exarey Cindle Works of eioeinali. Obio. U Caodles for 25 cent*. KIAWE F1RE WOOD. #10 per eonL Tbe un» cnt io b!ock» of .2 incbea loo* at ane qnantite fn>m #1 np. DeliTered free of cbarsc to ane part of tbecitv. KlAWE C'HARCOĀL at ♦) ceot« a «aek Ricbmood. V*.. CEDAR WOOD POI P.\H> loiihn! vith bra*« hoop* Smatl «iae 50 eenU. Iarye »ixe 75 cent«. Empty Vlnegar acd Wīne B.\RR£Ld w vater receiTer» at #L KITCHEN 3ALT in «aelu of I00ponnd». 50 eu TABLE 5ALT eieen avay. Hi«he*t a*h prlce paid for H1DEB. SKINS ,v.d TA*Jj0W. ĪN". BREfiJYM, M ttual Teiepbone 314. Bethel Slreet. aug9 P. 0. Box 480. Mctcal Telepho.ne 245. Tlie Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Bny NewandSecondHand Fnrnitnre IS AT THE $ e 0 ™ OE X V X Hono|uju - K»fl & Nuuanu Sts. X A J j a i