Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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NOTICE T0 Visitors. Pienie Parties. Lnans —AND—GENERAL PUBLIC1 mm At SMlTH’i Bls and Livery Stable, Kixg Street. [Adjoining Metropolitan Meat M.irkct.] ls tbe Cbeapest Plaee in Town yon oan get Busses ( Wagoneties, Buggies and Saddle Horses. It will pay y->u to eall and see before yon try elsewhere. Mulual Telephone 408 augl-tf NO. S» NUUANU STREET, HONOLULU l^£oxolCLOjrLt A fine as5ortment of American. Knglish and Scotch Cl'dha on h«ud g»'d \vork *nd a F1RST CLASS fit giwranteed ClotheseaQc;dn «fc repa<red jy7Im Long Branch -8ATH»«GEstablishment. This Firsl-CUss Batbing Rps-irt haa been enlarged and is now ooen to the puhlie, It is tbe be«t plaee on the islands to enjoy a Bath, and there >s no better nlaee to Iay off. S(tecial accommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the d >or every half hour, and no Saturdays and Sundays every fifleen nomutee. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. L0ST. A Fox T«reier. a rewaxd wiH b» f sivea *or b> rt!nm to JOE TTNKEB. ) C»ty aagS. sam yee hop, No. 552 Kiog Street, Dealer in j C«lilornia and Hawaiian Frnits | and Vogetihles. Goava Jelly, , Tea and Gr>ond Ooffee, Cig»rsetc. 1 jy20