Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Moonlight Concert. The baml will give a public moonlight concert- this eveniug at Thomas’ Sqaare. the perform- ; anee commeucing at 7:30o’clock. , Followiug is the programnae: Pahī i. 1. Overt»re....“Light Cavdlry’' Sap]ie 2. Baritone S>j1o, ."Helisario” Donizetti Mr. T. Carvalao. 3. \Valtz ... .‘A’ieuna Hlood' Strausā 4. Selection “ The B ggor Student" (by reqnestl Millocker Part II, 5. Med!ey “Oennan Marches” Seidenglan2 I 6. Oavotte....“Riue Sound” l.anUnn 7. \Valtz “Favorue Melodies” (by re*juest) Berger 8. Mareh .. "Kepuhlie of rlawait” ' Bcrger •'Ha vaii Ponoi.” Per S. S. “Australia,” CAMAR1X0S, : : Refrigor»tor. Contains a full supplv of CALIFORNIA FRUITS, —srcn as— Cherries, Piums. Peachcs, Ap~icots, Neelannea, Grapes, Fruzen, Oyster~, Cr»bbs. Fre*lt Salmon, Cauliflower, Celery, Appl‘*s, Orangcs, Litues, etc., etc., etc. Jaug. 10-2ls Capt. Wm. Davies, Rigger, Stevedore aixd "SVrecker. KSTIMATES AND CONTRACTS ON all kinds of work. Stcamer WaimAnalo will ruu regular to Waianae, Waialua and Way Land ; ng. lnqnire »t office of J, S. \Valkf.r orer Spreckel's Lank. feh l4*tf. Gust. A. Mauer, HĀWAIIAN HOTEL BARBER Ijadic« Shampoolng a ppeeialty. Honoluln. aug4. J. H. TRUSCHLER, Boot & Shoemaker. III Fort Slrtd, Repairing, neatly Done, half sole and he«l witb pegs, #1.00. H.tlf sole ami heel sewmg. $1.50. au7 WANTED. Three bright Hawaiian Girls k» sell the f»moas VIAVI REMEDT. Appiy at the olhee of | tbe Viari Remedy on Kiog Street. aug6 F0R SALE RENT. 1 Piano, 1 Org»n ind Saiving M?.ofaine inqnire of «. r. B< BGCSV Beretania Street. 1 —■ ~ ■■■■ —■. ■ ~m , - Pioneer Shirt Factory KSTABUSHED 186T. j AM. MELLIS ; Proprietor, ■ 35 Honoioiw GtWd IU.