Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — OVER ZEALOUS. [ARTICLE]

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~ ' j It of course, very praiseworthy of the poliee to be vigil lant auel protect us against • | burglars aml evil iloers, but the i mauncr in whieh it occasioually , is done shows a laek of discretion 1 whieh might bo embarrassing, to ' j say the lea$t, both |o tbe resi-r ’ dent and to the poliee. Last night a young geutleman living on King streeja few houses ahove Thomas Square had an unpleasant experience. He had been at his cflice working till 10 o’eloek and boarded the tramcar i for home. When at his gate he ■ ; jumped off and went in. When ’ iuside the gate be heard a horse1 man riding up and stood still to see who it was. Tho horseman who proved to be a mounted poliee ‘ j patled up and ordered the gentle1 man to move on. As he was on 1 • • his own premises he naturally ! suggested to the polioe-offic6t to Uke his own proposition aud dust. Tbe follower of Mr. Hileh- - t eoek immediately dismonnted. ■ | stating that be would make the I gentleman 'move on.” He also ■ demanded his uame, and as that was refased proposed tc take him out of tbe yard to tbe station bouse (and a niee contraci he would have undertaken). When the battle seemed to be eminenl the ladv of the boose ca)le<i out: enquiring who her son was talk- ( ■' ing with. That s«ttled tbe eiili- > eal sitnation. The gnardiau of the peaee vamoseil, got on his borse aud disappeared, for other climes ; rlJ eeenea. : j It would bo jnst as well if these mounte<l oflicers were taught pro- -! per and discret conduct as well t as horseback riding and sbooting. t if not they will some day heeome ) a greater nuiaanee ihan the nerer —«aught borgiars now are.