Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CITY DRAYAGE CO, Stand: Qaeer. and Fort S White «nd Black S«nd. Drayir.g Done at Reason»bIe W F 5R.\RRrrr. Xi>Mn MACHINE MADE POI! FACTOBY, : : KALII Tam Plant5, Fre»h Top» and T*ro at «11 tiroe?. Ring Up Mutaal Te!ephon Bell 345. W. L. WILC05 Jy25 Mana RTSG I P M171AL TF.LF.. 31 NIEPER S Baggage Exp OOke, Fort »t,. Honolalu. H Baggage and Furniture Car Handled and Delirered at Notice to All Parts of the Stand on Cor. of Fort .v Quee T. B. Mum Is Yet to t»e l'ounil Ou the OI«l Ntau«i, \« j KiiiK Nt.—III.h Bu<«iue<> i CARRIAG] ANI> (»«cs On. When the “PEOPl PARTY” gets smashet will be ready to EEPilE, PA1NT 4ND TB1« At a Eeaaonahle Fignro.— £xtra Charge for Furni.sl them with Common Sense. LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE jy*Jl »>m City-Carriag Co. Blacksmith Shi 107 KING STREET D. 1[. BEJ\lT, Mj\nac Blacksmith Work AXD Carriage Repairii PAINTLNG : AND : TRIMMI In all its Branches, at Bed Rock Pricee. Matual Telepbone 382 Gire us & Call and ja for youreelf. jy2 CRITERION SAL00 Wei ia n d • Extra • P* u