Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Programino ol BICVCLE MEI To i* H«4 On Saturdav. Aug. 1 KAPIOI.AM PAKK, 2:'&* p.». ?h»rp l—Oar open; GoU Me-l i-HiK Vīk Dm1i, Dom; Siiv*r i 3 — On* QtjirteT U>» !>*»*, opeo; M<*vUl 4— Otw H*lf Miie Doih, bors and SilTer ftr»$ *nJ >tcoiul. 5— Oc* H*lf ili> Dasb. op«n; MoikL 6— One Mile D»-h. vhire nunole Silrer M-.hUI. 7— Thire Qn4rter Mile I>*sh. opea; Med*l. !>—One Mile Daah, aorioe; Jnlrer M £atrano« Fee for R* es Xo*. 1. 5 i $1.30; all oth«rs, eutrance $1. AU Eutries lo Ooee ON MONDAY, 6th, 12 nooo, at the offioe of H. E. W Merchant Street, Honolnla. Oenenl A lmission. 30 cte; 6nnd S extra, 23 cts; Qaarter Stretcb Badges, eaeh: Carhagea 'iusiJe of nee eoone) 1 irx United Carriage Company, M. REIS U.C. QU 11 ESS3lāfS3S®iSĒ)eiSSSS — —290= TO TUK rVIlLtC:—M von are thi about ahoppim;, ealllm; or lakini; ii sii*hts, rinj; up wherc voa ean e a tirst-cl»?5 eaniaee with eiegant horse a civil drivcr, or if yon ehooae to drive self, we ean aceommodate you with » Biai««, Pliaetons, Surries aml \V»gon \Ve bave for livery hon-es the tmest roa in the Repnhlic. t)ur livery horses eon some of thc well known roadsters. sn the Gray-vagle, \Vhite-swan, Pnnee 1 Abadella, Koauoke, Lady Templeton, I whipt>er aud others; a chl!d ean drire i the»e horses, but U takts a Kansas cycU poss one ol tbem on tbe road. For f, particn!ars, ring up 21)0, or eall at our and olliee nexl to E. O. Hall « Son. F0R SALE. A F1KE •• MIDN'IGHT ” STAE eoU belongiug to P. D. I.-euherg. Th ean be sven at the l’ANTHEOS 8T: from to-morrow. t pHCK CORXER OK aiul Beretania Stree 561 Telephoxes:-> G00D, KELIAELE axd j\’27 tf CIVIL DRIVEF Mctl‘al Tel. 366. P. O. Box WING WO TAI & C No. 15 Neuana Smsr, Hon*ll-ll H Commission Merchan —IyPORTl.iL- ASD De.\lers t.v— General Merchandis Fine Manila Cigar>, Chine*e and iapaneae Crockeryware, Mattini;«, Vase> ot »11 Jūnds, Campborw<i Tranks, Kalian Cbair>. A Fine A»sortment of Dres» 9Uks, Cboice8t Brands of Chinese and Japancsc Teas of Lat>.st Impoil īn*p*ctio»of _Vmc Good/re*peetf*Uy toi july6. Chas. T. Guli notary publi For the Island of Oahu. Agent to Take Acknowle*lgn to Labor Contracta. Agent to Grant Marriage L ses, Honolnlu, Oahu. Apflnt XJ •_ r 1