Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Ciub Stabtes Company. F. (}raham, Managsr trLivery and Feed Stables. FOK'rSTREET, between Hotel atid Beret:uiia Streets, Honnlulu. Both Telephooe3 d77 jy23 loi PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory, B.iK EKV aud loe Cream Parlors! iqr PRACTICAL CONFEC T10NEH and ORNAMENTER Iti all braiirhft> of lhr bntinrss on lhtsf islands. Amcrica:i. EngliBh, German and French PASTR1ES Madc to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES M«de of the Very B*?st Matcrial and al Reasonablo Rates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Alucatfa ou JIai.d. ALL €OXFE€TIOIERY Manufactnred at My Esta!ilishmcnt Arc Gaarantecd to be Positively Pure and Soid at Prices no other i-stablishmcnt ean eompele with. FACTORT AND STORE, No, TI Hotel Street, Honolnln. Both Telcphones No. 74. jy28 TO LET. A LTrge Parlor Bedroom, King Street, next d«x>r to John F. Bowler’3 rcsidence. Inqaire of *$S& WĒ HORN \m m 1863 m 1894 W \\s jy27 iOt Mr3. BAILEY.

PANIHEON SALOON, FOP.T AND HOTEL ST3. Headanarters EnterpriS8 Brewin£ Co. THE Largpst Consignraent of Beer that ever arrived here, dot on Draught J. DODD, Prop'r ADnm$TR4TOB*S XOTICE. THE l'XDERSIGNED iurring bwo dul/ ■ppoint«.i AJuj!uisir»tor of tbe Est*te of PAHIA KALOI k. of Mukae. Hona. Mini, deoeaoe<i. Tonld herrwitfa gire ootioe to ali penaona haruig «oeonnu against ihe taid estate to jiresent them to him, properiy o«orn to. vithin »ix moaths from d*te hereof. or they mii be forerer baned. Asd all penooa o«tog tfae said esta!e are reqneated to aettle fortfavitfa. M. H. BEUTER. AdminHtntor of the Eauit* of Pahia. Kaioi deoe&sed. Haaa, Uaai, Jnly Tth, lS&t. jy9-lm Xew Japan !Market. 3€7 Mn un'-.h'n Strett. Fresh Meat ou L;e 4 Pound 2ōCts. Sc!‘.ek I, Manager. j *

GHIN KEE. HORSBSHOEL\G SHOP, Maui.akea 4 Paoahi Street. Naw aet aD ronad 1 1 Oid wt «11 roucU j 5i*i« IXor tu >'o. ō H H<AM» au K { :