Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 ʻAukake 1894 — CORRESSPONDENCE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


, [W edo not bo!d onrselres responsible for tbe opinions or tbe ntterauces of oar correspondents.} Editor Holomoa: “If Cfarist carae to Cfaicago” could weli be read, marked, !earaed, and inwardly digested by everyone in Honolula and particularly tfaose wfao, not eontent witfa a qnick steady business, go iu as a diversiou for overtfarowiug bv means of trickerv a s»*ttlcd government. Mr. Stead’s scathing expo.se of boodle ringers, ward politicians iu Chicago will fit all of the same class faere. Tfae lie in tfae Advertiser on Wednesday and rubbed in fnrtfaer on Tfaursday comes witfain tfae scope of Mr. Steads terrible invectives. In tfae same category ean be p!aced tfae Slar's “Englisfa don t count.” Apropos of tfais slur, let tfae faound wfao cdits tfae Slar just try it at, say forty paces. lt faas timo and time again beeu tfarown iu tfae face of tfaose who are loyal to constitutional governmeut; “Well! wfay don't you do somotfaing? Do wfaat? Buv up tfae Press of tfao United States as faas deen done bv tfae respectablo psalm singing p. g’s ?” Tfae time will eome wlien t!ie exact amount of tliat infanoy will eome to ligfat. No, tiie royalisls rnight do sometfaing. if tfaey wonld take a Ieaf ont of tfae book of tfae bribe givers, but tfaere is no necessity tor it,because tlio eauae of tlie r»»yalists is founded in justice aml ngfd, and in tfae end riglit will couqnor and tfae sneak tfaieves, bribe givers and ull of tfaeir ilk will fiud tfae level to whieli tfaey belong. If Clirist eame to Honolulu a ven r pertinent question would be “Wfaere nre my brotfaers of the Hawaiian ruce whom you elaim faave been saved ? I find ray cfaurclies emjity because of your politics' I fiud my brotfaers iu distress because of your oppressions! I fiud yon seated comfortably in your cfaurcfa pretending to worship mo, whiie my brotfaers of auotfaer race are moursing be- | oause of your injusticel Go to, | ye faypocrites and wait for your ! sfaort comings and backslidings. M faera are my brothers wliom I gave my life to save? Wfay sit they iu tfae dust ? Inasmncb as ye faave done it unto one of tfaese the Ieast of mv bretfaren, ve faave * ■» done it unto me." I faave faeard tfaese sainted faypocrites say, the faand of God is iu tfais; for tfae sake of argument we admit tbe fact and tfaen say, yes, tfae faand of God ia in it to sfaow up tfae sbamefnl passions | of men wfao bent on accomplisfa- j iug lbeir selfisfa ends seek tfaeir owu damnation and ruin. Cowper says.‘ - God moves in a mysterious way,” and surely enongfa the wfaited sepulcfaers who have worked ruin in tfaese fair isles by bribery, treachery and every otber vila trick tfaat all ihe devils in hell could invent will bave the' reward they so richly deserve. 1 shall in a future issne mention other questions whieh Christ would ask if he eamo to Honolole. Jcstice.