Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 185, 10 August 1894 — THE LONE JUROR. [ARTICLE]
The .■;olit > »ry Hiwaiian who re - mained as a joror I<ist Monday raomiog, W. H<*pa Kahamokn by nauie 'ate rnessenger aad janitor of the now defnnct Constitntional Convention, was a rioter iu tāe e1ection of the late King K ilakiUi in 187-4. anJ who serred ©nt hi» whole terra of imj>risonraent ia 0 »hu j »il by working at Eraraa Sqaare. Since his release, he has never, to onr 1ir wi-,lge, been pardoned. and -till he is uow a fit and a proper native Hawaiian for the qua*i Kepuhlie Hooray. for Dole I