Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — IS THAT SO ? [ARTICLE]

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To nssumo <bat tho refiisal of foreignen drawn as jnrors totake the oath, is ilutrto political hos* tility to tho Ilopuhlio is utterly »bsurd. lt is not tbo abjuring of tho iuonaccby to whieh they never owoil fealty. but tho nssomiug allogiance to the llopnhiie, whioh niakes the ilifliculty.— P.C. Adveriiser. How does our esteemed eon* temporary thon explain that nearly every one of the foreiguers who refusc to take the oath to tho rcpublic were voters uuder tho monarohyand a great ncmber of them &ro naturalized Citizens? Aud ainee when bas tho A dtwr- . (isfr fouud out that a by taking the oath to the republic forfeits his uative citizenship ? We have always upheld that such was th«> case, but it seems to us , that the 'Ti*er took auother view. , AnJ let us tin*11y kuow why a | eeiiaiu organization is called the | ‘*Araerican" League when all the , membeis have t tken tho oatb to « the republic aud consequently ceaseil to be “Ameiicans;” and j wby tho Foorth of July was ( celebrated by men who, accord- j ing to tho Adt*rti»er, were no t longer Americans? g Tbe main reason why foreiguers t dou’t take the oath is that nearly g •11 tbe kamaainas are bitterlv a opposed to the uew missionary g r«gime, and it is from their uum- « bers thut ihe juries of this eoun- s try ure made up. i.