Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — WHERE ARE THEY ? [ARTICLE]

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Tho Adverli»er is in a ver3’ ! cn ing mood latoly bccanse the | registration of voters has tnrned ( out such a j>orfect fiasco. This j morning it a«lmits that **onIy a | jiart, and tliat thc miuoritv, of huv oonunuuitv busincss itself > with j>olitics.” For that minority tho special j certifioatos for servi<fos have evi- j deutlv been crented whieh means j that the supj>ortors of revolution I aro the ininority of the country. | But what have tbere become of the 7,000 moinl>ers of the annexution club ? Did th 03’ peihapa exist 011 j>aj>er ?