Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

G0NSA1VE K •. a s >uppiT M tbf Tm Best Pioueer 8o< ln of -K\, 4-*, •») »nj 70 Bat« TUK S‘\P IS THE Fiaest Iaported H; SPKCLVL PRICES FOK 5 CA9S LV LoTS M1IMV i II Ceiebrated Brands of !SC0TCE WH1SR Smmety: BEX ALDOCHLAX. Alnsley’s OLO Blended Olenli GLE ,XION Estra, Sp 6LENLI0N SPEC1AL LIOl'EEK SCOTCH \\T11SK K. Ci EKTZ, Vft BOOT ann 8H0EMAKI Repairing N<a»tlv Doue. Opposite the CIub Sfablrs, Fort Stm will be glad to see hi» ohl frien<is. n NTED! CtRNlTURE, DISHES. GLASSTT * ciocks, Watcbes, Jewclry. Ohl (lol Silver, aud everythln£T houehl and aohl i Kiue Street, cofner of Alakea. P. O. Bos 2tW. 405 Nuuam S. YASUM0RI. MERCHANT TAILO Dealer in Japanese Goodā, I and Shoes of Japanese n: Cheap for Cash, New Goo<3 Every Steamer. jy LEE SUNG KEI 49 K1N*G STREET. 7 rrSSMITH, ASI, DEALER IS G1 I ware. Crockery, Coal-0il Stoves, Pote—Plumbing in AU lu Branches " fully £xecnted. jyl ( Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Fruits and Groc< Fresb Fruits by Every CaliL Steamer, Eresh Isfand B from Hawaii. 135 Fort S1 Cottee Roasted. P 0. Box Fresh Island Produce, G Delivered to Any Part ol City, T(7EI KEE, TINSM1TH and DEALER TINWARE. Piping Laid and Repaired. 0rdera Promptly Attende< Cbarges Very Moderate. C»J See Us. No. 222 Maunakea lionolulu. jy20 “ ITOHA>V’ IMPORTEB asv DEALER IN* GE> I Mvrchan<Us«, Eic!u.siTeiy A J« M*nufacture—WHOUESALE k Ei