Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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INSURANCF,^ FIRE AND MABI THK TNI)EBSIGNEI) 18 AL*THORIZKD T0 TAKE FIBE asd MAKINE BISK8 05 Buildincrs, ]\Iercliandise, Hulls» Carsoes, Freiglits and e'oi nrnissions At Curmit Rates. in the Followio ; xamki,y: B0YAL 1NSUBAXCE C0MP\NV. LIVtBP00L. ALLIANUE ASSURANCe F1UE A M \RINK, LONL WILHELMA 0F MAIXiEI5URG GENEBaL 1N8UK SUN INSCRANCE C0MPANV, SAN FK \NCISC0. .1. S. AVAI KE £#-“.\gent for the Ilawaiian 0RDWAT & P0RTI Robinson Bbfck, llokl St., hetwetn Fort and Nuva Havc Just Beceiv< d. jer l ale Anhals, tbe J ngol Elei N1TUB£ Ever Imp0rted to this Country. Comprisi Handsome Carved Eedroom In Solid Oak, and oi the LA TESTDESIGx ESPECIAL ATTEyriON IS CALLED T0 THES£ WIOKEH WAB Beautiful Desīgns of AA r icker Waro, consisting of S0FAS, CHA1RS, B0CKERS, etc. ,you ean get theg FI5ISH you desire. CHAIRS, Countless numbers of CHA1RS, in everv style, including and HIGH CHAIRS. tabi I We have had a number of calls for these Tables, with CI match. AVe have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNIT £VER SEEN HERE Sideboards and -:- Chiflfo] rr X> I -\TA. 3XT S . -«a Divans coverevl witb P0RTIERS are becomiug quite th< f»lace of L0U5G£S—wo raannfacture tiiem to order, a aigo stock of P0RTIERS to select from. I beddhtgGreat Assortment of WOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES—Spr Moss, AVool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and raade L1VE GEESE FEATHERS and 8ILK FL0SS for Piilowi CRIRS, CKADLES, otc. AVINDOW SHADES of all colors and C0RNlCE P0LES, ih wo<k1 or brass trimmings. B ZLT.O-. i Mattresses, Lonnges and all Upholstered Furniture re roasonable ratos. CAB1NET MAKIN6, in all its branches, by Competent 1 i MATTING LAID and Int rior Decorating under the Sup( Mr. GE0RGE 0RDWAY. 0ur Goods ;.re First CI.'.ss. and our prices are the low( and be convinced —a trial is solicited. Bell 525. telephoxes: Mutuai f 0RDWAY <fc P0RTER. Robiusou Block. betwoen Fort at Tklfphones; Resii>e; Bell 351 Mutua Mutual 417. P. 0. Bo F. B. thoma: C0NTRACT0R and BUll n