Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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IIAI MI'PON’ Hotel Stret Hl <k] Th« abcT« 8tort bu receitr»d aootber Large Icroioe o( SlLK, f ANCY GoODS, / } Per S. S. “China. —COXCB.UI><i— BEAUT1KCL SILK AND CRAPE. I>mu Goods in *J1 *Lad«, pUin and tignrwl. Cn»hion«i, T»K!« ('oTer«, ItedCorer«, Oona, ehemioea, 8LawU. Silli Crape Kaiūhow Sijks, Ali Cokjr* F*ncy Draperi«s EMBROIDERED HAKDKERCHIEFS D«ll)i«S Scurfiv Sa*h(M, Ca]«, Eto., Etc. NOVEI/riES: I he Pnoe* of tlte«e Go<m1k will astoni>tb yon inclnding ELEŪANI SILK KIM0NO8! Ilandsouu Cig;irette Cases, l‘m Cnshions, Silk Tea Ooaaiee, 1.1 RUE 1M> NMILL JUMKESE RU«8 Silk l'nil>r»-llas, light bnt strong; (Tutir S*ddlt-s, Hilk; ltamboo ltlind«, titted with j>nlloys; Silk Laui)> 8hados, new style. JAI'.tNKSK (CREESS, From *:t fp. L1R»E J1P1NESL l SRRELL1S f h C«n l>o Set with Pole in tbe ground, niee !or Pioniea or Lunehe» ont o( doors, they eau be opeueU out or nsed «s a tent. COTTON CUAPES IX GREAT VARIETY t«r ins])«ction Ues]>ecUully Invitcd. Mks. Calsaco, Aroprietre8s. AprI2-3ms JUST ARRIVED, q q q BABY • CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, l\ ir\v 1S THE LATEST PATTERSS. HOU S E H O LD SEWING MACHINES Hasd Sewiso Machixss, CJTA11 Wuh the Latest Improv«m«nt»^£] PAliLOli Ors:ans, <jriiitarr And Otber Music*l InstrnmenU. VVines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYSOS HAND, AKD POB SALE BY ED. 90FF8CHLiEGEB L C0. Kiu£ Sl.. oppo. Castie k Oooke'e TO LKT or LEA8E. Ahouee on King Stn«t next lo T. B. Walker*a pmmiee contaming puior, dining āxm *nd Uuee bedrooma, be«ōd*B kHehen b*tbroom «(»1)1«« *nd nll mod«rn coi;reoienmoi Uulj oocapiod by Mr. Euahee. BentmPd«»t (ope*pcm«bl«partT. Addwae jy)« AHEAUAU FEBKAKD£Z.