Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PCRIFIED WATER. No Miorot>©s. IS r$CD BT THE CT>NjOLrDATED SODA WATER WORKS COM P AN Y — Li eu it«l. Xln.©3r 2T\ixxxislx tlxe FovLHtaJja.s 'Tlxxc'o.g-lxc\xt tlxe Cit3r, EXCKPTTN‘t ONE ZE=*\xxe as Cx3rstaJ.. rr IT. aug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Iiuporters, and Retail Dealers in T'ixxe Cigrec:s, Sxxxc3^ixxg* Tclacco, am. Sxxxclxexs u^.xticles. Agents for ihe Celebrated Ct. b. d. pībes. M AI>E IN PARIS Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner DRUG ST0RE Pure Druo;s, True Perfumes, Prompt Attention, Low I?rices Comer Fort & Hotel Sts. aui TT TvT. S. «CS Will on AUGUST lst Remove from his present store on Hotel street, to the plaee former!y occui«ied bv Benson, Smith «t Co., on Forl street. After I pet settled it will b« to vour advantage to notes the prices, etc. t that will appenr in thi!« eolumn. THE HONOLULU S0AP H0USE. Sell* the Tery best jaali!T of SOAP »t $4 .'iO v*r lf»« p»uo<i* »oU [7 -.An* <.f S ponnd* bone*t »ei(tht Ior <iEKMAN BLl'E C'AST1LE 34>AP. m«nuf»ct uredbyGrans Bro#.. Maonheim, (>enn»0T, »t It> c« nt* per pouml TOILET SOAF.’reUil »t vhole«ate piiee* SOFT SŌAP in tin» of 4 ' poami». fl iV 8TEARIC WAX MININO CANDLES. mmnaf» !ured by tl.-.< Emrvy C»otlie Worīts of e'ineinmli, Obk>. U Can*iles fnr 35 cent». KIAWE FIRE WOOD, #10 per eonl. Th« *moie <-0» in btcKk- of I i l< Ioos »t »ny qaantity fmm #1 ap. Delivered free of ehanee to anv part of th«citv KIAWE CHARCOAL at #0 cent* a »ack Ru-hmood. Va., CEDAR WOOD POI PAILS doi*h- 1 irith br**« hoopa 9n:ill »ize 50 cent»; large »Ue 75 cent». Kmpty Vineg»r and Wine B.VRKELS a» w»ter m.-ei»era »t #1. KITCHEN SALT in *ack» of lOOpoomU. 50ct» TABLE 9ALT rivcn away Hijfhe*t ca»h price p*id for IIIDLS. SKIN9 «kI TAi-LOW. X- BREHAM, Mulual Telephone 314. Betbel Street »ogy P. O. Box 480. Mctcal Telephone 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buyt NewandSecond Hand Furnitnre IB AlT THE COKNEK OP King & Nuuanu 8ts. I X L Honoiuiu