Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 184, 9 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

t9' l*' Vo r 8 Hobse OK IXo is sick s«od them at on eto2lV3 Kin? Street. TLe onlv Veterinanr lRfirmary in the Repnblie fally cqsipped with modern apt piiat«es. and akillfull alteadants. EXECUTORS SALE! I by M<ssr». Bruot C*rtrndu *a-J H. E McIbItw, Eimlon of th« of tbe 5*te I>r. Tk»u**», to «ell mt Pnhiie Aoeūon, >t tay S*Iesr»ms, Wednesday. AujtuKl S ' AT 10O-CLOCK A. M-, The Whole of the Stook of Dm£5. leēciB& Sarflcal lnstrnnie&ts And a Large Variety of Groceries and Provisions! Consisting of Ponltry. V«ptihlw r Frnits, Chmmpagne, Wine», ete,. b«k>Dging to said Fj»tite. • tyTb» auonlion of epicuies is calle<l to the abore fine stock of Provisio&s imported eapeeimlU by the Ute doctor forhisown u>e. Lewis J. Levey, »ng6 ACt.TIONEEH. Removal ! Sustace Co ( HAVE MOVED T0 Morgan‘s - Auelion - Rooms for a short time. We areetil! selling Departure Bay OOAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROB.\ aud KINDL1NG WOOD lu any <]aautlty. Both Telephones 414 auC J. H. TRUSCHLER, I3oot & Shoemaker. 111 Fort Stree(. I Repairing, neatly Done, half sole and heel witb pegs, ?1.00. Half sole and heel sewing, ?1.50. au7 W ANTED. Three brigbt Hawaiian Girls h> sell the famous VIAYI REMEDY. Apply at the oliiee of tbe Viavi Retnedy on Ki ng Street. aug6 F0R SALE » RENT. 1 Piana, 1 Orgm and Sswing Mt ohine inquire of H. F. BI KGE>S Beretania Street. lo\/eJoy &CO. WfjoIegale Wiqe \ Liquoi< ūealei^ 19 Nuuaau Street We wou!d eall your attention to Our Spscial Brands Longlife $ Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Frederick$burg BEER &u2 in casksor bctties Pioneer Shlrt Factory E5TABUSIĪED 1S8T. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 5IS Fort 8t., (Up*tair».' Honolnln, Good Fil. Y0K0HAMA BAZAAR, — Corner of — HOIEL ī NUUANU Sts. Silk and Crcpes, . Embroīdered Hadkercbiefs, Window CurUins, Stmw Hats, Fans. L-ntema, Baakets. all »>rts; Oiah* 1 ». Te* and Breakfast Seta. Tr»jg, Flo»er Pola, Stlk Bcdquilts, Bamboo Screens. Neck-ties, Silk *nd Crepe Shirts, Japauese Toys. Japanes« Provisions by ihe wholessle. | jy28 MUEATA & CO.